Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Squirrelly Plan of Action

 “Hey, is that a squirrel? OMD! I think a squirrel is coming down the tree! We need a plan of attack.”

“Bentley, how can you remain so calm? A tree rat is entering our perimeter. 
If we work together, this could be epic!”
“How about you just run him by here and I’ll trip him?”
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 Whistle GPS Pet Tracker
We are joining our friends at BlogPaws™ for 
Wordless Wednesday.


  1. I never saw a squirrel for real... but maybe you can chase one in my direction too?

  2. Go get him Pierre!!!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. We chase them in the yard and when we are on walks. Hopefully we will never get loose and get lost!

  4. Squirrels are such a MAJOR PAIN!

  5. That Bentley is SO clever!!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  6. Eek. I remember when Sam took off like a rocket after the neighborhood at 5:30 in the morning! One of the few mornings I didn't need coffee to get moving. 😆

  7. Underneath their cute suits, squirrels are evil. It's a good thing we have dogs...

  8. Crummy squirrels! You should have seen (and smelled!) the mess they made when they set up their winter command post in our shed a few years ago. Whew! Dad fixed it so they can't get in anymore, but it still smells like stinky squirrel in there! Oh, and congrats Pierre on catching a couple of them!

  9. SERIOUSLIES! A vishus squirl INTERLOPER?

  10. Mom says she saw TWO squirrels yesterday - but they were not near our place
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  11. MOLMOLMOL Bentley you think like a cat! I never use any more energy than necessary!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  12. We would never stop to make a plan! Probably why we never catch anything.

  13. That sounds like a good idea, Bentley ! Are you a judoka like Claire ? Judo tends to "Maximal efficiency for minimal effort". Purrs

  14. Good plan, Bentley! You're so calm in a crisis! Pierre should check out our post for this'll make him go nuts! ;)

  15. You better get that tree rat
    Lily & Edward

  16. two remind me of Luke and Cricket! Cricket doesn't worry nearly as much about squirrels as Luke does. Must be hound dogs have more important things to worry about. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. Get those evil squirrels! They're always tormenting us.

  18. If your plan works let us know! We tried to make a plan for one that ran across our path this morning . . . .

  19. Those squirrels are crafty. Good thing you boys have a plan!

  20. Hahaha! You two are so funny. I can just imagine Bentley tripping a squirrel. That would be hilarious. I hope that you two were able to have a great play time in the yard.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  21. Oh dude!!!! I'll help you out! You knows I gots MAD squirrel skills! Plus, I'm taller than you, so I can gets my paws farther up the tree to scare him down and you give him the ole shakey shake!
    Ruby ♥

  22. It's a squirrel invasion across the country, everyone seems to be playing with squirrels.

  23. Heh. My two really don't care about the squirrels that run up and down the trees in my yard. I suppose they take the Bentley approach. But the squirrels sure do put up a racket when they see the dogs. Squealing and scratching and more! Drives me bonkers. I may go chase them myself!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  24. BOL!
    3 bum swings! 3 more!

    Nose nudges,
    CEO Olivia


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