
Sunday, February 1, 2015

52 Snapshots of Life ~ #Winter

Here along the bayou, our winters are usually warm with little chance of snow.  Bentley has enjoyed one snowfall in his life way back in February of 2010.  He had a blast catching snowballs and playing chase.  Just so you know, the entire city closed down for two days during this 1" ~ 2" Bayou Blizzard! 

We are joining The Lazy Pit Bull for 52 Snapshots of Life.  It’s a weekly photo challenge where participants post a picture representing the word of the week.  This week’s word was #Winter.  You can join the fun or check out other winter entries by clicking the links below.

We are happy to be joining Sugar the Golden Retriever and Dachshund Nola for their Sunday's Black & White Blog Hop.  Click their names to visit them and all of the other great B & W blog posts. 


  1. We work up this morning to a little dusting of the white stuff Yay!xx Speedy

  2. How much snow did you actually get? We are expecting 8-14 inches tonight! I absolutely LOVE this Bentley picπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  3. Our city doesn't function if even a few inches of snow falls either but we love and need it in the mountains!

  4. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Love that photo. I am looking forward to getting enough snow here (more than 87 flakes) so I can chase a proper snowball not just like Bentley's
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. isn't that great that mother nature threw some snowballs in your area too? we had a "real" winter too as I was a puppy, but I sadly turned into a weim-avalance and had to see the vet :o(

  7. Oh Bentley, you look so good in the snow! How sad you only had it one time. I will wish another 1" blizzard for you ;)

  8. 1-2 inches sounds a lot better than 1-2 foot of snow.

  9. Great action shot, Bentley! We are getting another foot of snow tonight! Yippee!!! Have a great b&w Sunday!

  10. Look at you!! Your Bayou Blizzard is just a standard night of the week for us!! Glad you got to experience it though Bentley!!

  11. We're glad to see that Bentley has at least had the chance to experience some certainly looks like he enjoyed it!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. How cool! Go Bentley! I bet the entire State of Florida would shut down if we got a millimeter of snow. BOL

  13. WHAT :-) 1-2" only. Woofs to Bentley, for sure it was FUN playing in the snow. Golden Woofs

  14. snow in the bayou? That IS an event!!! Adorable photo!

  15. What a wonderful photo!!! That is so cool!! Gooooo Bentley!!!!!

  16. WOW! Snow on the bayou?!? Crazy! *wags* - Gilligan from

  17. I didn't know that it snowed in the bayou. Bentley looks like he enjoyed it.

  18. Beautiful shot!

    Believe it or not, our last few winters have been really mild here in England. Especially in London where we live. No snow at all here.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  19. Let's just say out blizzard going on right now is more than 1-2" of snow! We are barricaded indoors for now but looking to snow play tomorrow! Love Dolly

  20. We haven't seen much snow this year but me and Stanley love playing in it! If we get some we will tell you and you can come over and play in it with us!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  21. We're getting a blast of winter here today. So far, about 5-6 inches of the white stuff. We'll send some to Bailey if you want. ;)

  22. Willow's never seen snow - I don't think she'll see it this year's to next Winter (but not yet!) Enjoy that snoooo! :D

  23. That is a great photo, made even better by where you live!

  24. I didn't think you guys got any snow ever! Wow!
    Bentley is quite the athlete. I am so impressed that he can set up and beg and leap up for a snowball. I guess Bassets are more agile than I thought! :)

  25. Well, we ain't had hardly any here, but it rained all day yesterday. say, we could always get Ranger to pick him up in the copter and take him up northeast!

    The Mad Scots

  26. Mr. N loves snow too even though we rarely get it as well.

  27. Growing up in the Midwest, snow days were a very rare treat. When we moved to Northern Virginia I was incredulous - the entire area shut down for a full week over 8 inches of snow. Sometimes here in S. Virginia they close school for rain. I'm totally serious. Excellent photo of Bentley enjoying his Snow Day!

  28. Bentley's ready for the basketball playoffs!

  29. Oh wow! I never thought I would see a pic of Bentley in the snow!! haha!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  30. I like how I'm just discovering your space here and already I get the rare treat of seeing Bentley IN SNOW! Lucky girl I am! Thank you for your rockin' comment on my blog, Melissa :) And yup, Vermont is pretty good at making spectacular winters but looks like the Bayou is good at it's own kind of beauty, too! Can't wait to come back here and visit again soon!!!

  31. I never thought I would see a snow picture from you guys. Love it!!

  32. I love this photo of Bentley. That was Harper Lee's first and only snowfall too. I would give anything to see her playing in the snow that we see in so many winter photos . . . but our beautiful, clear, 70-degree days in January are pretty nice, too!

  33. beautiful photo, so much fun he had. I remember that time, big ass accident in alanta

  34. 1-2 inches sure isn't much for a blizzard - but it's amazing how much trouble the "smaller" amounts can cause! We're in the Chicago area, and I can attest to the roads getting insane when there's that amount, yet everything operates much smoother in the more extreme conditions. Enjoy your Bayou winter :)


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