
Saturday, August 22, 2015

5 Tips to Help Your Dog Deal with Back To School #52Snapshots

   It is the time of year that children dread and parents look forward to…it is Back to School Time! This is usually an expensive stress-filled time for families. New school clothes, a two-page supply list, fitting in with classmates, and meeting teachers are a few things that strike fear in the hearts of your kids. As you try to reassure them that everything will work out fine, the tension level is on the rise. During all of the excitement and turmoil a new school year brings, there is a member of the family that might get overlooked. It’s the faithful dog.
   Your four-legged best friend has had someone to hang out and play with all summer. Days of playing ball and swimming will turn into days of being left alone. It can be a very upsetting time for your pet. Depression and separation anxiety are very real problems and need to be addressed.
Basset Hound writing on chalkboard with Westie for a student
          →Five Tips to Help Avoid Back to School Blues

1.  Make sure your dog gets some exercise or playtime before you leave in the mornings. A tired dog is less likely to be destructive.
2.  Saving a special toy they can play with while the family is away is a great idea. Be certain that it is a sturdy toy that won’t pose a choking hazard. Never leave a bone for them to chew unsupervised.
3.Don’t make a big deal out of leaving. Your dog will pick up on your emotions. Give them a kiss; make sure they have fresh water and something to entertain them. It also helps to leave music playing or even dog television.
4.  If possible, have someone return home midday to allow the dog out for a bathroom break and a quick romp in the yard.
5.  Postpone homework or dinner for thirty minutes or so to enjoy a walk or special time with your dog. You’ve been out in the world with other people, but they have been at home waiting for you. 

Check out our School Supply Dangers post for more important information. 
5 stubby pencils


  1. I can't believe the kids are back in school!!

  2. that are great tips! my mommas problem is always #3 ... it mostly ends that her beloved pup is on board too or that she stays at home.... I'm a pawsome mom-teacher, right?

  3. Luckily, we go with Mom to school...nose work school and no one has to go to that boring people school around here!

  4. Those are great tips! The goldens always go through an adjusting period when the girls go back to school!

  5. Those are some great tips and I love love love the picture. Your husband is so clever!

  6. I couldn't agree more. Back to school definitely has an effect on the pets as well!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  7. This is so true. But luckily we have mom and dad home all day :)

  8. #5 is my favorite!!! Great tips!

  9. Gweat posty and sum very helpful tips. Have a pawsum weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  10. Love 5! School sucks! Dogs rule!

  11. What great tips guys!! We especially love #1. Morning walkies are the best!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  12. Those are some good tips. They probably apply to cats too...'cept substitute playtime for the walk. :)

  13. Whoa! Luckily cats don’t take well to sticky little humans and we don’t miss them.

  14. Great tips, but we're glad that's something we don't have to deal with!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Love your tips, MK! Oftentimes, we forget those small things we can do that are big to our pets. Lucky for Sophie and Jasper, my daughter is grown and out of the house, living her own life and I work from home, so they don't have to experience the sudden quiet of the house or missing us not being there for hours each day. I know it was tough for my dog, India, back in the day when I was working long hours out of the house.


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