
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

5 Reasons Your Dog Enjoys A Walk

   January is National Walk Your Dog Month. Dogs love going on walks. It is probably one of the most exciting parts of their day. Bentley and Pierre know when we are about to take them walking. They bark as they hurry to get their harnesses and leashes attached. I asked Bentley what makes walking so special for dogs. The following are his answers.
Bentley Basset Hound standing at door waiting to go for a walk.
1. It’s great to get out of the house for a while. Staring at the same four walls gets so boring.
Bentley Basset Hound and Pierre Westie walking on sidewalk.
2. It is fun to walk with a friend so that you can discuss dog things.
Bentley Basset and Pierre Westie smelling fire hydrant.
3. Walking gives you a chance to catch up with the neighborhood pee-mail.
Bentley Basset walking on leash with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.
4.  A brisk walk will tire you out and makes your next nap seem legit and well-deserved.
Bentley Basset and Pierre Westie walking. January is National Walk Your Dog Month.
5. Let’s face it, our humans need the exercise.

I am joining BlogPaws™ for their 
Wordless Wednesday blog hop.


  1. Yes!! They need more walks. The pugs love it!!

  2. We love our walks. We also like to see other animals, too. Cats to bark at, other dogs to sniff and birds to lunge at...if we're on our leads. Otherwise, we love to chase everything. Some dogs in our neighbourhood NEVER go anywhere!

  3. I's been gettin to go in my stroller everyday - I luv seein and barkin at everything!

  4. It's been so cold up here the past week that we haven't had too many long walks. Ruby and I could both use some exercise!

  5. Walks are one of the best parts of the day. We love our walks.

  6. We are very fortunate to live in the country...where the girls can walk and run to their hearts content!

  7. Those are all excellent reasons to go for a walkies

  8. I so agree... we all should read the daily news on fences, walls and trees efurry day :o)

  9. Great reasons to get out and walk! Have fun on your walks.

  10. My huskies would never forgive me if I skipped out on walk time! LOL!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  11. We are not fans of WINTER Walkies... in the Freezing Cold... 15°F temps... butt we WISH and DREAM of walkies... does that Count?

  12. Sam has pointed out I need the exercise as much (if not more) than him any number of times. Three cheers for the walk! ღ

  13. Cold and icy. We've spent most of our time in the back yard.

  14. All very valid reasons!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. You're so right! In addition to treats my dogs LIVE for walks & hikes. These reasons are all spot on, especially that last one - I'm just sayin'.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  16. We can't wait for warmer weather so we can get out more
    Mr Bailey, hazel & Mabel

  17. I stayed home sick yesterday, but I still got out to walk the pooches. Leo wouldn't have it any other way.

  18. I would love to know who decided that the middle of winter should be "Walk Your Dog Month". It would make more sense to do it in the warmer weather. When the wind chill is at or below zero even the dogs don't want to be out in it. You all that live down south can have fun participating. We are staying warm by the fire. Maybe I can teach Millie & Walter to walk on the treadmill. Would that count?

  19. Ha, you're so right about all of that, Bentley (especially #5!). We just wish Walk Your Dog Month would be in a warmer month for us!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  20. Liam the pug wants to add one: Treats! He gets treats for looking at me (not at squirrels, skateboards, busses, little kids, other dogs.... you get the idea). I think he only walks for the treat of it all.

  21. Yes to all! Walking is great and fun for everyone

  22. You are one very smart dog Bently.

  23. We humans DEFINITELY need the exercise!

  24. Bean and I love our walks. And there is something wonderful about going for a nice long walk or run and then coming home to snuggle!!

  25. The only thing I do not like about January walks is the ice. Of course you don't have to worry about that. :)

  26. We have missed like 5 walks this month due to weather. At about -4 F (which is -20 C) it just isn't safe to walk. It sure makes us enjoy the warmer days when we can be outside for more than 5 minutes!

  27. BOL, this put a smile on my face! Thanks for a great post! :)

  28. Those are some great reasons, and we loved your pictures that completed the story! :)

  29. Hahaha. I'm just about yet out so the dogs can have a orun around. They love it. It's the best part of the day.

  30. We walk twice a day - They love it and I enjoy talking to the neighbors! It's a win/win

  31. BOL, especially #5 and my new Whistle monitor tells on Dog Mom on her days off if we don't go!! ~Shasta


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