
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

5 Beauty Routines That Have Gone To The Dogs

Definition of anthropomorphize
   I cannot remember a time when I didn’t talk to my dogs and imagine them as humans trapped in dog’s body. It seems that they know more than they let on and it is some kind of universal canine joke on humans. Anthropomorphizing your pet can also make life a lot of fun. While we enjoy imagining Bentley and Pierre doing things considered strictly human, there are many things we actually do the same. That shouldn't be a surprise considering we share 84% of our DNA. Source:

Here are 5 beauty routines I share my dogs:
Bentley Basset is wearing a shower cap and sniffs a hot bath 10¢ sign
1.  We all use the same shower. 
*Not at the same time, that'd be weird.
Bentley Basset brushing his teeth in bathroom mirror
2.  Dental hygiene is very important for our pearly whites.
*I can't get either dog to floss properly.
Bentley Basset, Pierre Westie and I dressed up to attend award show
3.  We love to dress up.
*You're never fully dressed without dog hair.
Bentley Basset & Pierre Westie on a walk
4.  Exercise is important to humans and dogs.
*Walking does a mind and body good.
Pierre Westie getting brushed out at groomer
5. A trip to the beauty shop always makes us feel better.
*Pierre and I love that 'straight outta the salon' look. 
Snuggling with Bentley Basset and Pierre Westie
  Tip: Cuddling with your dogs makes you smile and smiling is  beautiful. 
   What beauty routines do you and your pet share? Let us know in the comments.
Me and my friend Carol Bryant
   I am sharing our beauty rituals with my friend and fellow blogger, Carol Bryant of Fidose of Reality. Hop over and see what she and Dexter do to look so amazing→ Beauty Routines To Share With Your Dog
Four colorful Mountain Tees
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  1. You are too cute in your shower cap, Bentley☺ We have never had a shower before - only a bath. Cuddles are the best!

  2. Mom and I also get plenty of beauty sleep. Even though during the night, she wakes me up a lot to say, "Move over, Bed Hog." I'm pretty sure she's dreaming because that's not even my name!

    Love and licks,

  3. we share everything too... I sometimes plan to do my nails and do easy's instead of mine.... and I sometimes use the human-hairbrush to brush easy... but it's not my hairbrush, it's Mark's :o)

  4. Great post! I know some dogs that take showers when their humans do! :)

  5. Speaking of weird, sometimes Mom does get in the shower with us. She says it makes it easier for her, but I find it a bit odd!

  6. We actually share #4 and #5 with our human. You're stylish with your outfits ! Purrs

  7. We follow the same exercise routine. I don't think the boys would fit in the shower and if they could I can just imagine the mess that would turn into!

  8. MOL! We love Bentley brushing his teeth!

  9. Cute!! Mom has big conversations with us when we walk
    Lily & Edward

  10. We do most of those too! Except the dogs don't dress up too much other than a bandana, and Sheba is the only one that's ever been to the salon!
    Jan, Wag n Woof Pets

  11. So adorable! Love reading your blog!

  12. Such a nice blog!!! I really enjoy reading about your daily routines. Looks like you are having lots of fun together too. Really beautiful pictures!!! Keep sharing!!!

  13. Don't forget the belly rubs and trips to Starbucks!

  14. Sam and I share all of those daily rituals as well as a teeny-tiny little streak of stubbornness-BOL

  15. We do everything together and have on occasion shared the same shower. It makes things easier butt you do need a shower handle with a long hose. BUTT most of the time we just get bathed in the tub. We brush our teeth every night too. We share our big bed with our pawrents.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. YES! Our pugs love pug spa and beauty treatments lol!

  17. We are definitely a share and share alike household!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  18. What a great post! We share 84% of our DNA w/ dogs?? Seriously? I do most of these things (with the exception of teeth brushing, I still suck at that) with my dogs as well. I've been toying with the idea of getting them some spa treatments for their coats and faces. Dressing up, especially on holidays is a biggie for us. It's amazing how much we do have in common with our dogs!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them


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