
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Pet Dental Health Care

   February is National Pet Dental Health month. It’s a great time to look at the benefits of a good dental hygiene routine for your pet. If you don’t have a regular regimen then this is the perfect time to begin.
Bentley Basset Hound loves having his teeth brushed.
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   Bentley has always loved to have his teeth brushed. I can show him his toothbrush and he will come running. Pierre is not a huge fan of brushing but has gotten much better. Both of the boys have healthy teeth and gums. Your veterinarian should check your pet’s teeth and gums during every visit. If dental disease is present, they will recommend a professional cleaning which requires anesthesia. We haven’t had to go that route and hopefully, with continued diligence, it won’t be necessary. Our vet told us that Bentley’s teeth looked like those of a 3-year-old pup! #ProudDogParents
   There are many products available to keep your dog’s smile pearly white and reduce tartar buildup. Along with regular brushing using a pet-friendly toothpaste, we have used water additives and chews. I have found that the boys enjoy their chews the best.
Two Barkworthies Brushers make for very happy pups!
Barking from the Bayou received two Barkworthies Brushers in exchange for an honest review. We only share products/services that we feel will be of benefit to our readers. Barkworthies is not responsible for the contents of this post.
   One of the brands they love is Barkworthies™. We recently received the new Barkworthies Brushers and they were a big hit. Harvested from the Arrack tree, these chews are an all-natural choice to use in place of rubber or plastic dog chews. They can help fight plaque and tarter as well as keep your pup’s breath smelling great. Brushers won’t splinter and are free of additives, chemicals, and preservatives. You will find them to be a wonderful chew for teething puppies and aggressive chewers.
What are the signs of periodontal disease in your pet?
• Bad breath
•Discolored teeth
• Abnormal chewing or drooling
• Bleeding from the mouth
• Reduced appetite
• Pain associated with chewing
   The fact is that 80% of dogs show signs of periodontal disease by their third birthday. Today is the best time to start taking care of your best friend’s teeth and gums. I use toothbrushes specifically designed for a dog’s mouth. They are available in most stores and online. You can always use a finger brush to get them used to you messing around with their mouths. With time and patience, your pup can have a dazzling smile and fresh breath.
   Test your knowledge on your pet’s dental health with this quiz. Hint: Some answers can be found in this post.
   It’s confession time. Do you have a regular dental routine with your dogs and cats? Tell us how you do it.
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  1. the mama said as soon as I have my teeth we will start to brush them. we always train that procedure butt I don't like that... but I will clean my teeth, the mama showed me the price chart at the vet and said I have to pay for the cleaning by the vet with my pocket money when I refuse to cooperate with the toothbrush...

  2. My momma says she's gonna try to start brushing my teef - but I HATE all grooming, so we'll see how it goes.

  3. The girls love Natural Balance Dental Sticks! The whole toothbrush thing just did not work out for we give them chews to help with dental health!

  4. I do luffs having my teefs that wrong????
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. Those chews look good - we will have to try them!

  6. We chose the other chews from the same root. Good stuff according to my sisters who chew on them daily. Fresh breath is when you come to my place for dinner...make sure to visit me today ;) I have a surprise for you my Bentley!

  7. Thanks for the shout out on dental month! Have to keep the teeth clean.

  8. You guys got some super pearly whites! We don't brush daily, but are making a definite stab at getting better at it.

  9. Bentley and Pierre your mom is a pro at brushing. She has a great technique.
    Mom is thankful I've always gotten a very good dental review from my vet, 'cause she says there are not enough Marines or Green Beret to hold me down for brushing.
    Hugs madi your kitty friend

  10. Our teeth and gums are very important. Mom always has her fingers in our mouths checking stuff
    Lily & Edward

  11. We love getting our teeths brushed before bed every night!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. We didn't know that there were toothbrushes specifically designed for dogs ! Purrs

  13. Mom brushes my teeth every single day. Right before bedtime, she lets me search for my Milkbone Dental Chew.

    Love and licks,

  14. Y'know, the mom really doesn't have a good dental routine with us though she does make sure we get our teeth checked by the vet at least once a year if not more.

  15. At 3 years old, Luke's teeth still Luke great, though he won't let me look at them too closely! Brushing is out of the question with him, so chews are his salvation. We will check out the barkworthies for sure.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. You are SO lucky to be able to brush your pups' teeth! I've tried so hard but to no avail - the dogs just hate it so we use chews and most recently a water additive to help improve their oral health. These chews look like sticks, which Icy loves. She would like these for sure!
    Love & Biscuits
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them


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