
Friday, September 15, 2017

Thank Blog It's Friday

Close-up of red spider lily
   We are joining Da DB Boyz for Flower Friday and this week we are sharing one of our favorite flowers.

Top view of red spider lily
   I took the bulbs for these Spider Lilies from my father-in-law’s home when he passed away. He was such a wonderful man and I miss him so much. I planted them but several years passed and not a single flower bloomed. I had all but given up on them. 
View of red spider lilies in flower bed.
One day we came back from visiting his and my mother-in-law’s (who was equally awesome) gravesite and I let the dogs outside. When I walked out to call them back inside, lo and behold there was my first spider lily. Now, each year when they bloom, it is like my in-laws saying “hello.”
   I have become quite a fan of 15 & Meowing and McGuffy’s Reader's Friendly Fill-Ins. Here is this week’s selection:
1. I have broken one bone. It happened when I fell out of a treehouse and broke my right wrist. I started first grade in a cast.
2. When I go out to breakfast, I order pancakes. I love IHOP’s butter pecan syrup the best.
3. As summer officially comes to an end, I look forward to cooler weather and college football Saturdays!
4. Before this year is over, I really need to lose weight by continuing to exercise and eat right. Of course, that means absolutely no pancakes!
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Enjoy the PRIME of your life!
It's the Pet Parade Blog Hop!  Join the fun with Rascal and RoccoBionic Basil’s Blog, and me. We are open all week so hop in the parade with us!

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  1. that are wonderful flowers... they look like fragile art pieces ;o)
    tree houses come often with broken bones... therefore my grampy made a "ground level" treehouse for me... not the real mc coy LOL

    1. They look fragile but are really quite hardy! Treehouses are dangerous and are much better on the ground. LOL!

  2. Mom remembers seeing spider lilies when she was growing up in Louisiana. They are such beauties!
    PANCAKES! yummmmmm

    1. I love spider lilies! They seem to pop up overnight and stay several days. Pancakes are so delicious.

  3. Love that lily!
    Make almond flour pancakes. They are healthier:)

    1. Almond pancakes sound great. It's the butter pecan syrup that is the killer!

  4. I love that story about the Spider Lilies! That is so cool, and I believe that things like that happen: a bit of divine grace.
    Butter pecan syrup sounds really good! I agree with cooler temps and football, but make mine The Packers! I am right there with you on #4! Thanks for joining us. Have a great weekend. Hugs to all of you!

    1. I love your Friendly Fill-Ins! The spider lilies make me so happy. If you ever get a chance to try some butter pecan syrup, you will know why I am such a fan.

  5. Very pretty flowers. Thank you for participating, great answers. We are going to try the South Beach diet to lose some way, I need to break my carb addiction, that is great you are losing weight. Of course now I want to go to IHOP and try this butter pecan syrup. Have a nice weekend!

    1. If you get to IHOP, you MUST try that syrup. It is stupid good! LOL! We have cut out a lot of the bad foods that we used to eat. No restaurants either. It will be worth it though.

  6. What a lovely story and a beautiful flower. We have never seen these before. Plantings mean so much more when they are associated with someone you love and not just bought from the nursery.

    1. They are abundant here in the south and I think they are so cool. They don't have any leaves! I will dig these bulbs up when we move so I can transplant to our new house.

  7. What a beautifully delicate flower! Our mom is recommitting to losing 10 pounds.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. I have a lot more than 10 pounds to lose but I know every pound makes a difference!

  8. We never saw spider lilies, it's beautiful ! Your lilies have such a sweet story, we're glad they finally bloomed. Purrs

    1. Thank you! I love them too and definitely think my in-laws smile down on us when they bloom.

  9. LOve those flowers! so delicate and beautiful!
    Hazel & Mabel

    1. They look like upside down spiders! They don't smell like anything though.

  10. What a beautiful story about the spider lilies! I agree you precious in-laws are saying hello.
    Hugs madi and mom

    1. It makes me feel especially loved when they bloom.

  11. That flower is very cool! Don't think we've ever seen one like that around here.

    1. They are very plentiful here in the south and pop up all over the place.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. What wonderful memories your spider lilies hold!!! Thanks so much for hopping with us today!!
    Jakey and Arty

    1. I was so excited that they bloomed in time for this week's hop!

  14. The flowers and story are beautiful. IHop does have good syrup. As for #4...I don't want to be a skinny bird-like old woman so I eat. That's my story anyway.

    1. Thanks so much! I love IHOP's syrup and most everything else. That is one of the reasons that I am FAR from a skinny bird. LOL!

  15. Well maybe Dollar Pancakes, a local restaurant makes pancakes the size of silver dollars. I love Tiger Lilies, we had some come up once no clue where they came from, but they haven't come up again.

    1. Ohhh, those sound yummy! I have never heard them called Tiger Lilies before. I like that.

  16. Yep, the end of summer means SEC football. It seems like there is more spirit in college ball than there is in the NFL.

    1. I agree and think it's because the players are out there giving their all for their team and college not the big paycheck and showboating.

  17. They're pawfectly stunning!

    Nose nudges
    CEO Olivia

  18. What a beautiful flower and story to go along with it.


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