
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Explaining Daylight Savings Time to Dogs

Dear Bentley and Pierre,
    I just want you to know that daylight savings time was not my idea. It is obvious that this entire “Fall Back” business is messing with y’all. It’s not that I mind you waking me up at 5:00a.m. to go outside and take care of your business. I’m thankful that you claw on my side of the bed to rouse me out of a perfectly happy dream. It is always fun to drag myself to the back door to put your leashes on and go stand around while you both find the perfect place to take poop. The best part is when we go back to bed and I hear you snoring before I can resume my dream.
   Since your morning constitutional is off kilter, it is no surprise that your breakfast clock is running ahead of schedule. You are not starving at 7:15a.m. no matter what you think. I’ve tried to explain that it is an hour early, but you don’t seem to believe me. You can really wait until the normal 8:00a.m. feeding.   
   Bentley, giving me kisses and whacking your tail against my nightstand is the epitome of hounding. I know you are trying to be patient but it’s an epic failure. I cannot sleep with you quietly whining your song of mistreatment. The fact that your brother, Pierre is snuggled so close to me that I can’t move does not help. You know he won’t jump down until I’ve shimmied out of the covers trying to not disturb your daddy. Seriously, you two are the reason that I wake up every morning. Really, really early.   
   Hopefully, you can adjust your inner clocks and we can get back on track with your normal potty and feeding schedule. I figure that we should be good right around time we spring forward!                     
                                                Love always,                                                 Mom
I am a PrideBites PAWtner. If you use my discount code, I will receive a small commission and you'll save 20%! Thanks so much for your support.
Pssst…don’t tell Bentley but I ordered him a PrideBites canvas bed with his name on it for his 10th birthday which is coming up on December 3rd!
It would make a great gift for Christmas too.
Order yours and save 20% with my PAWtner code:


  1. The time thing needs to end as it is no longer necessary and is just a pain in the furs! We love fall back because at our house, Mom always gets us up way too early, but this week we are much happier for her to wake us up. She has never had dogs wake her, it is always her waking dogs! Get some rest boys!

    1. When we worked, we always woke the dogs up so I guess they are just paying me back. LOL!

  2. This year they adjusted well. We have been lucky!

    1. You are lucky. It usually takes a few weeks for mine.

  3. we have hell weeks since we changed the time ... I hope they will stay away from this useless crapola soon...

    1. Are you telling me that Phenny is NOT having to harvest the crops? BOL!

  4. Heh, heh. good luck with them understanding. Mine in effect told me to go pound sand although we tend to adapt better on the fall back than the spring forward. 😁

    1. Bentley chooses to believe his stomach over me. The spring isn't bad for us either.

  5. No chance of explaining it to our dogs :) Great letter. It made me laugh! It's also really hard if you have an epileptic dog on a strict pill schedule. We gradually slide into standard time so that we don't cause a seizure by suddenly giving her pills at the "wrong" times for her body.

    1. Giving medications at the same time every day really does cause confusion. I'm glad that I made you laugh.

  6. I'm pretty flexible about wake-up time in the morning. If nobody gets up at a certain time, I'm OK with it and just go back to sleep.

    1. Can you please talk to Bentley? He is certain that he will whither away if I am late with breakfast. BOL!

  7. Dear Bayou Boyz mom thank you for this well written and fairly precise explanation of time change. I now understand it but not for one second to I buy into the 'tale' that I'm not really hungry at 5 am!! I am so hungry my stomach thinks my throat has been cut!.
    Madi Stavin' in NC

    1. Thank you, Madi. We rest our cases! Bentley & Pierre (Partners in Starvin')

  8. Your explanation was good but I still don't get it. Nothing is saved

    1. We don't save anything either and lose out on late afternoon walks.

  9. Mom and I wonder all the time why we even need DST. YUK!

    1. I love it staying daylight until 9:00 but I sure don't like it getting dark at 5:30. It is just confusing at this point.

  10. Replies
    1. We are going to insist on being fed at the usual time no matter what the clock says. Our tummy time is never wrong!

  11. No one really understands this time change thing, do they? I am actually lucky that my hubby is the one that gets up early with the dogs. With his new job, he's getting up even earlier than the dogs want to! That means I'm now in charge of breakfast. Surprisingly, the crew is pretty patient with me, since I like to sleep a bit later than Dad did!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Pierre will wait for me but Bentley is insistent because he like to live up to his hounding reputation. LOL!

    2. Our beagle Kobi would never put up with having a late meal!! He's the one that started all the early rising. If we went out and got home after supper time, he would bark and bark at us! LOL

  12. Yeah, we've been having a hard time adjusting to this time change stuff too. Our breakfast has been late every morning!

    1. As pets, we should protest to the powers that are in charge of this nonsense. Our breakfast should not suffer!

  13. Clocks are unnecessary when doggies are around. We KNOW when things are supposed to happen. There's no arguing with that!

    Love and licks,

    1. Exactly, Chester! We knew we could count on you. XXOO Bentley & Pierre

  14. We have been slowly adjusting. The hardest part for us was waiting for dinner. And Hazel still wants to get up early
    Hazel & Mabel

    1. Bentley gets up at 5:00 to use the potty and then at 7:00 for breakfast. I hope they adjust their internal clocks soon.

  15. MOL ! Stomach time is the only real true time ! Purrs

  16. Guilty still wakes me up early to eat


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