
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How Much Water Does My Pet Need?

Did you know that July is #NationalPetHydrationAwarenessMonth?
You might be wondering how much water your pet needs to drink each day. That’s a great question!
🐶Dogs usually require 1oz. of water for every pound they weigh. That means a 10lb. dog would need a little over a cup daily.
🐱Cats need 2-4oz. every day.
*Active, lactating, or animals that spend time outdoors will require more water to prevent dehydration.
HELP! My Pet Won’t Drink Enough Water!
We often say that we can lead our dogs to water, but we can’t make them drink. That’s usually when they are coughing, and I try to convince them to drink to clear their throats. They just don’t understand. Here are a few tricks to help your pet drink more water:
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Add a flavor to their water. Cats will take a second look at tuna juice water. My dogs will always drink water with a bit of bone broth mixed in it. 
Buy a drinking fountain to provide running water. An animal’s natural instinct is to avoid stagnant water to avoid bacteria. A cool fountain is also a favorite of kitties.
Add extra water to their food. Bentley drinks like a camel and can empty a water dish when he decides to drink. I feel better adding a little extra water to his Dr. Harvey’s food. It helps him get more water and he tends to squash his food so it makes it easier for him to lick his bowl clean.
• Make some fruit flavored ice cubes. These are perfect for keeping cool when they are playing in the backyard. You can always drop a couple in their water dish.
This last tip is one of the most important. Please wash your pet’s water dish daily. They are a Petri dish of bacteria and one of the dirtiest things in your home. If their water gets nasty, they are less likely to drink any. It only takes a minute to wash out the bowl and your pet will definitely appreciate it.
* Don’t stay thirsty, my friends! Stay hydrated! *
We want to give a big shout out to

She is winner of our Dr. Harvey’s
Healthy Weight Prize Pack.
Thanks to everyone who entered and remember you can always save 10% and fetch FREE shipping on orders over $59 with our affiliate code.
Be sure to join us for this week’s Pet Parade blog hop. All pet bloggers are welcome, and you can select your subject or stay totally wordless with just a photo. We’d love to have you join in the fun! Visit Dash Kitten and Basil & The B Team today.

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  1. congrats to Karen!!! we drink a lot during the day... we need ink to write a lot of messages ;O)

  2. We have water bowls all over the place. The most popular ones get cleaned often during the day as our dirty beards make a mess of the water. Happy drinking, boys!

  3. We get fresh water several times each day, in our fountain and in our bowls!

  4. We add filtered water to the cats' canned food; they seem to like the slurry consistency!

  5. Good facts to know. Mom was putting water in my kibble because I refused to drink water most of the time. She has recently stopped that trick and now I eat dry kibbles and drink like a normal dog.

    Love and licks,

  6. Thanks for the advice! Our patron saint, Old Charisma refused to drink out of a dirty water bowl. This tradition has been passed down over the years to every doggie in this house. There's always fresh clean water in my bowl.

  7. Great tips! My cays love their fountains. Thanks for hosting the parade.

  8. Hidey Ho my favorite Bayou Boyz...
    Goodness me in this heat one can never have too much water. I break into a sweat just thinking about walking down my driveway for the mail
    Hugs to you 2 and your staff

  9. I wish Ma would puts fruit flavored cubes in MY water! I will not drink out of anything but my crate bowl. It drives Ma kerazy, butts it's the pawfect height, and I can gets lots of SPLASH outta it! BOL!
    Oh, and I do make Ma wash it every single day...sometimes twice! ☺
    Stay cool my furiends!
    Ruby ♥

  10. What great tips boyz! We have a water dish upstairs...downstairs and outside. Plus, Mama is starting to put water in our kibbles to make sure we stay well hydrated!

  11. Excellent info! The mom adds water to our foods to make sure we're getting enough.

  12. Great tips! We have a fountain, and mom and dad add extra water to our food. :)

  13. Outstanding! No wonder I feel like I'm watering livestock with 150 lbs. of dogs around. 😄

  14. I love the fountains, but I just got too lazy to keep cleaning them! It's hard for me to believe that Luke needs over 7 cups of water per day though! I highly doubt he drinks that much. I do add some to his food though, because he has never been a big water drinker. He slobs more on the floor than he drinks - BOL!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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