
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Here's Some New Dog Memes!

We hope your October is starting off

frightfully fun!

Don’t miss next week when we kick off our Halloween contest with Dr. Harvey’s. It will be spooktacular!

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Be sure to add my books to your fall reading list!

Be sure to join us for this week’s Pet Parade blog hop. All pet bloggers are welcome, and you can select your subject or stay totally wordless with just a photo. We’d love to have you join in the fun! 
Visit Dash Kitten and 
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  1. we thought something similar as we saw da staff da furst time... butt we can not tell it in pup-lic hahahahaha

  2. The first one applies to us as a Grand adventure :) Looking forward to seeing what Dr Harveys has going on. We love our food there.

  3. When I saw Da Boyz wrestling with each other in the cat adoption room, I was smitten!
    Pretty sure it didn't go both ways at that point, but I am sure it does now.

  4. Spelling Bee that caught me by surprise and tickled my funny bone.
    Hidey ho Bayou Friends
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Well, it's been frighten, that's for sure. Great memes.

  6. Love, love, love! These took us from aaawwwwww to giggles!!

  7. Aww, we love this week's memes, Bentley and Pierre. The first two made us go, "awwww!"

  8. Oh boyz, those are just FABulous!!! And so true! I hopes you boyz are keepin' your peeps busy!
    Have a wonderful rest of your week my furiends!
    Ruby ♥

  9. We can always count on you boys to make us smile!! ♥

  10. LOL BOL! Thanks for the laughs! Dad likes riddles like the last one.

  11. These are fun! I love the middle one - our garden always has a variety of flowers and I wouldn't want it any other way!


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