
Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Don't Brush Off Your Pet's Dental Care

February is Pet Dental Health Month and that means it is time to make sure your best friend’s kisses remain sweet and welcome.

Did you know that 80% of dogs show signs of periodontal disease by their third birthday? If you don’t have a dental routine in place, now is a great time to start. I started the boys with regular brushing at an early age, so they are used to it. Bentley LOVES it while Pierre tolerates it. We use a pet toothbrush and Petrodex toothpaste specifically for dogs. That doesn’t mean you cats are off the hook! Arm & Hammer make a dental kit for cats so your breath is fresh, and your teeth will be pearly white. It takes consistency and patience but you and your dog or cat will be happy you took the time, especially when they are seniors.

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  1. we do it twice per week, but nevertheless during the next months phenny has to face a dental cleaning... I'm all needles and pins... sigh...

  2. We eat healthy food that helps clean our teeth, great chews and bones, and brush every night before we go to bed. Healthy chompers are a must!

  3. Taking care of toofs is very impawtent and helps one's general health!

  4. I do Norman and Elsa right after I've brushed my teeth at night. Neither of them enjoy it, but they tolerate it. Norman has a little bit of plaque build up so he's getting a cleaning in a couple of weeks (can't believe how far out I had to book this appointment!). Pearly whites make for healthy pooches.

  5. Thanks for taking the time to share this informative information on pet dental health care and excellent tips to help pet owners. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals Bensalem

  6. You are so right. It's really important to take care of our pets' teeth!

  7. Oh goodness, I'm not sure I could imagine trying to brush a cats' teeth. Sam wouldn't even put up with us trying to give her medications! Kudos to those that can do it!


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