Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wrestling Smackdown

   The boys aren’t allowed to wrestle in the house.  Whenever they start roughhousing, we let them take it out to the backyard.  They usually have no problem picking up right where they left off, but with room to incorporate a game of chase.
   Our bedroom is usually off limits to them due to a baby gate.  If we forget to put it up, Pierre runs under our bed and barks at Bentley.  He knows that Bentley can’t get under the bed.  This always starts wrestle mania.  We caught them in the midst of a smackdown the other day.  They look like it’s a real fight, but it isn’t.  After a few rounds, they end up shaking it off and going to lie together.

Round 1 of the Basset vs. Westie Wrestling Smackdown

Monday, July 28, 2014

Basset Hounds 101 ~ Part 5

   In our last Basset Hound discovery series, we are going to help you decide if a Basset will fit into your life.  I’ve had several comments from readers that would like to add a Basset Hound to their family.  As I have previously stated, I am prejudice in my opinion of this lovable breed.  Bentley and I are a perfect match for each other.  I’ve wanted a Basset for as long as I can remember, but they aren’t a breed that is very prevalent where we live.  Years ago, I bought a Basset Hound statue from Home Interiors.  That was the closest I had come to getting one and he was a breeze to take care of since he was ceramic!
My two favorite dogs
   We have had a variety of breeds and I loved each one of them completely.  Our first puppy was a female German Shepherd.  We added a retired police K-9 German Shepherd a few years later.  Madison had two puppies and we kept them both.  Our fifth dog was a miniature Schnauzer.  Grady is a story all by himself and I’ll share it one day.  Then, I was blessed with Tucker, our Golden Retriever.  Bentley came to live with us when Tucker was about seven years old.  Those two were the very best of friends.  You can see that I have experienced quite a variety of breeds before Bentley joined us.  All but one of them has been extremely intelligent, easy to train, with awesome personalities.  
   What is about Bentley that has captured my heart?  That’s a great question!  Unfortunately, I don’t have an exact answer.  He is truly my "soul dog."

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Jealousy in Dogs

   A recent study was published last week in PLOS ONE in an attempt to show something that dog owners have known for years.  Our dogs get jealous when we share our attention.  The study observed 36 dogs as their owners ignored them and interacted with three different objects.  In one study, they used a stuffed dog that could briefly bark, whine, and wag its tail, a jack-o-lantern pail, and a pop-up storybook.  
   When the dog's owner gave all of their attention to the stuffed dog, their dog tried to push itself in between the stuffed dog and/or touch its owner.  A small percentage showed jealousy when the owner talked to the jack-o-lantern.  They showed little concern to the pop-up storybook.
   Researchers state this is not definitive proof that our dogs have the ability to feel jealousy.  It is sometimes hard for scientific minds to accept the fact that dogs have real feelings.  From a dog mom’s point of view, I have zero doubt that Bentley and Pierre both feel and display jealousy.
This is our experiment below.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Basset Hounds can Represent

  Bentley Basset Hound represents with his 
                                      Barking from the Bayou cap!

Friday, July 25, 2014

A High Flying Tale #FFHT

"The deliveryman can enter our yard IF he has boxes!"

Bentley: “Here at Barking from the Bayou, Pierre and I have gotten used to the deliveryman stopping in front of the house.  We used to think that he could be a chainsaw killer and would give him a good barking.  Since Mom started blogging, he is usually bringing something really cool for us.  We have given him permission to enter our perimeter when he is carrying boxes.”
Pierre: “I’m pretty sure that he considers himself a very lucky guy.  I had to restrain myself on more than one occasion from using my karate skills on him.  These paws may look sweet and fluffy, but don’t be fooled I have a black belt.”

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014

Basset Hounds 101 ~ Part 4

Basset wearing a bright orange day lily on his head

   Welcome to Part 4 of Basset Hounds 101, our series to familiarize you with the wonderful world of Bassets.  This week we are going to cover the health issues that are most commonly associated to the breed.  Let me begin by saying that there are no perfect breeds.  I know that everyone has his or her perfect dog and for me, it’s the Basset Hound.  All breeds are subject to common dog ailments.  However, some are predisposed to certain problems, because of their body size and shape.  It’s important to research the breed you are interested in, so that you can take preventative steps to avoid or lessen these issues.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Basset Hounds 101 ~ Part 3

   Basset Hounds 101 is my series to help you understand and get to know this wonderful
Mardi Gras Basset Hound
Bentley enjoyed meeting new people at our Barkus & Meoux parade.
breed.  In Part 1, we learned some of the history of this lovable hound.  In last week’s Part 2, I described the breed standards to help you know what to look for whenever you are choosing a puppy or an adult Basset.  Today, we will delve into their personalities and temperament.
Basset Hounds are one of the most pleasant and good-natured of all breeds.  This is a wonderful trait, because if you take them out among other people you will garner a lot of attention.  Even at number 41 on the AKC registered breeds, it seems that few people have seen them in the fur.  We were walking Bentley one day when a woman came out of her house to meet him.  “I’ve never seen one in real life!” she exclaimed.  The other common response is, “I used to have a Basset Hound.  They are the best dogs!”  Bentley loves meeting people and is certain that they want to meet him in return.  Bassets are very sociable dogs and do not like being left alone for long periods.  If you work outside the home, it is best to have another dog for their companionship or take them to doggy daycare.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Canine Caffeine

“Hey Mom!  Do we have any giant donuts for dunking?”

Congratulations to our winner of the anti-aging Revitamal!
*Carrie Noar from Tales and Tails*

Thanks to Sugar the Golden Retriever and Dachshund Nola for hosting this great Black & White Sunday blog hop.  Stop by to say “hello” and enjoy their photos along with today’s other B & W blogs.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Pierre Patrol

Pierre lives to chase squirrels and lizards!  He spends a lot of time on critter patrol.
What time is it?  It’s Squirrel Thirty in our backyard!
Since Pierre moved in, the squirrels have moved out!  He still holds a daily vigil hoping one will scurry down a tree.

Lizard lookin’. 
The lizards on our front porch know they are safe from his wrath.  They taunt him mercilessly.  There are several tailless lizards in the backyard, plus squashed monkey grass.

“Hey y’all!  It’s me, Bentley C.E.D. (chief executive dog) of Bentley’s Bargains.  I want to make you happy so I have another great deal for my friends this month.  You can take $25 off my already amazing prices when you use my secret code
Don’t worry about expensive shipping either.  It is only $5 for orders under $49 and totally free when you spend more than $49.  What are you waiting for?  
My store is at the bottom of this post.
Bayou great pet supplies today!

Thanks to Ruckus the Eskie for hosting another sensational Sepia Saturday!
Have a fun day and enjoy these other blogger’s sepia posts.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Writers Blog Post Tour

  Welcome to my Writer’s Process Blog Tour.  I was invited to participate in the huge tour by the wonderful Cathy Armato.  You can read her post here.  She is the voice of Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them pet blog.  Cathy is a champion of dog rescues and has volunteered at her local shelter for the past five years.  She and her husband left their jobs as corporate employees and now travel between Arizona and New York as business consultants.  They have two great dogs, Isis the Siberian Husky that she has trained as a service dog and Phoebe, a cutie that she adopted from one of the rescues where she volunteers.  She is currently working on a series about the volunteer work that she does with Isis and a fun series on 100 places to see with your dog!  If you aren’t currently following her blog, you are really missing out on some awesome posts.
   The requirements of the Writer’s Process Blog Tour are that I answer three questions and recommend three other writers to participate.  I’ll begin by answering the questions.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July is Pet Safety Month

   July is Pet Safety month.  The summer months are always fun with outdoor activities, vacations, flowers blooming, swimming, and barbecues.  While all of these things are meant to be enjoyed, they can pose a safety hazard to our pets.  I asked Bentley and Pierre to do a public service announcement on things they feel are important to safety issues.  I think that maybe I ought to have explained a bit more.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Basset Hounds 101 ~ Part 2

   In our second installment of Basset Hounds 101, we are going to discuss the breed standards. If you missed Part 1 click here.  A breed standard is the blueprint for a dog that fits into the function that it was bred such as tracking, herding, etc.  A breed standard is not etched in stone and can vary in different associations and countries, even for the same breed.
   For the purpose of this post, we will use the American Kennel Club breed standard.  Bentley is registered with the Continental Kennel Club, but the A.K.C. is the most accepted standards in the U.S.A.  There aren’t any glaring differences in the two clubs preferences.
General Appearance: As I mentioned in last week’s article, the Basset was bred to follow a trail over and through difficult terrain.  Considering their size, they have shorter legs and are heavier-boned than any other breed.  A Basset moves deliberately and once it grows into those long ears, they are not clumsy at all.  They’re known for their mild temperament and should never be aggressive or timid.  Bassets are known for having great endurance in the field and are extremely devoted.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Dog Sleep

Dog sleep; when 18 hours a day just isn’t enough.

*Don’t forget to scroll through Bentley’s Bargains at the bottom of our post for savings on great pet supplies at discounted prices.

Thanks to Dachshund Nola and Sugar the Golden Retriever, our hosts for Black & White Sunday’s blog hop.  By clicking on the blogger icons below, you can see more black & white photographs.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

ILeesh Review

We recently received a box from ILeesh, Inc.; a pet supply company specializes in breed specific products.  Our box contained a retractable leash for Bentley along with a poop bag dispenser and a West Highland Terrier coffee mug.  The boys were so proud to represent their breed.  I’ll turn the review over to them.
Bentley: “Thanks Mom.  I just have to start by saying that this is my first retractable leash.  When we would go out for our walks, Mom always wrapped my regular leash around her hand a bunch of times.  If I decided to stop or run, it would squeeze her hand.  Since she uses her hand to scratch my belly, I didn’t want to cause her injury.  My new leash solves this problem.  She simply decides how much lead she wants to give me, then clicks the brake button and I’m limited to how far I can go.”

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Mud Puppy

Bentley was such a cute puppy.  He would trip over his ears when he tried to run.  When he discovered mud, we couldn’t help but laugh at his dirty face.

“But Mom, I thought mud facials were good for me!”

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Our Visit to an AAHA Veterinarian

Isn't this a great quote to be on a vet's walls?

   We recently published a post on  Partners For Healthy Pets and AAHA.  I met their representatives at the BlogPaws conference and was intrigued with their information.  When I began searching for AAHA accredited veterinarians in our city, I was dismayed to find only three existed.  After some research on each of these, I selected the one that was a good fit for Bentley and Pierre.
   Bentley was the first to get to meet the new veterinarian.  I called the University Veterinary Hospital to make an appointment.  It was surprising that they were able to schedule us for the same day.