month we wrote about our newest affiliate partner, GetPetPortrait.
I can’t tell you how much I love my canvas print of the boys. We hung it in the
Barking from the Bayou office so we can show it off. Anyway, I’ve told you my
opinion, but Bentley and Pierre wanted to bark about them too.
Basset: “Thanks,
Mom. I don’t want our readers to miss out on being the best Santa Paws ever
this Christmas. Here we are just a couple of weeks away from the big day and
lots of folks still haven’t ordered their GetPetPortrait. This is SERIOUS!”
“Barking from the Bayou is
a participant in the GoAffPro Affiliate Program, an affiliate advertising
program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by
advertising and linking to the partner site”
Westie: “Maybe
Mom forgot to tell them they could save 15% off their order with our affiliate code:
BFTB. You know how she gets sometimes. (Rotates paw next to his head) I mean,
who could resist putting their best friend in a fabulous portrait. We look
totally awesome in ours.”