Thursday, January 31, 2019

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

A Collar Warning

   PrideBites Collar
   Do you leave your dog’s collar on all of the time? I’d read that they could pose a danger but to be honest, I’ve always left my dogs’ collars with their id tags on them. Most of the horror stories I’ve read involved the dogs fighting or getting the collar caught on furniture. Since we are usually home with the boys it didn’t seem to pose a problem. The main reason I’ve always left them own is for identification should they ever get lost. Yes, they are microchipped but most people immediately look for a collar. Did I mention neither of the boys has a strong recall? If they get out, they will take off like greased lightning.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Corn Chip Paws

Basset on dog bed with Westie watching
Pierre Westie: “Ugh! Are you eating corn chips? You know that I can’t eat that kinda stuff. Actually, no dogs should eat corn chips but I definitely smell them. It’s just you and me here so…”
Bentley Basset Hound: “What are you yammering about? You woke me up from a sound sleep to ask me if I was eating corn chips? Have you ever seen me eat a corn chip? Think about it while I finish my nap.”

Friday, January 25, 2019

Gator Alert on the Bayou

Pierre: “As we have previously mentioned, due to my stomach issues, Bentley will be reviewing our treats and I am in charge of toys. I am super excited to share my newest Strong ‘N Silent™ toy from our friends at Trusty Pup®. They realize that play is a vital part of a dog’s life and have a great line of fun toys. This is their gator and he is built to last!”

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Hey Good Looking

Basset Hound and Westie
Bentley: “Pierre, have I told you lately that you’re a very handsome Westie?”
Pierre: “Thank you very much! I try to take care of myself and even though I loathe grooming, I tolerate it to maintain all of this magnificence.”

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

2019 Pet Blogger Challenge

   I am participating in the 9th annual Pet Blogger Challenge hosted by Amy at We have joined the fun in previous years and thought it'd be awesome to check back in this year. It’s a wonderful way to discover new blogs, help and support fellow bloggers. These questions are designed to help us and our readers better understand and offer help to one another. Thanks!
 1. For those who may be visiting your blog for the first time, how long have you been blogging and what is your main topic?
   Answer: We celebrated five years of blogging on December 13th and are looking forward to year six. If this is your first visit, I blog with The Bayou Boys a.k.a. Bentley, an 11-year-old spoiled Basset Hound and Pierre an equally spoiled West Highland Terrier-ist. They keep us laughing and hopefully do the same for our readers. My husband does all of our photography so Barking from the Bayou is truly a family affair.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Appreciate What?!?

Pierre Westie: “Due to the importance of bringing you the best news around, we missed paying homage to the evil beloved tree rats squirrels. That’s right, January 21, 2019, was Squirrel Appreciation Day. Can you believe those glorified rodents have a day dedicated to them? It always makes me scratch behind my ear to think about appreciating a squirrel.
   It’s obvious that a lot of people like squirrels. Some fill feeders for them in their backyards and others go to parks with bags of peanuts to hand out to the little beggars. Did you know that NYC had its first ‘Squirrel Census’ in Central Park last October? The numbers should be out this spring but I’m guessing it is a bazillion. Central Park is huge with a gazillion trees! 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Enjoying Our Quiet Time

Westie in a crate
   When we take the Bayou Boys with us in the car, they travel in their LifeStages™ crate. They love riding in it and they’re much safer than being loose in the car. We also used our crate when Pierre was so sick to keep him confined.
   In the past, we’ve always put a regular-sized dog bed in the crate for the boys’ comfort. The problem is they were too bulky and took up a lot of their room. I’ve looked at crate mats, but they all seem too thin for my spoiled babies. This bed is the perfect thickness in the crate.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Ditch the New Year's Resolutions Day

Did you make any resolutions for 2019?
We are trying to take better care of ourselves which includes only healthy foods and lots more exercise. You’ll be glad to know that we are on track but…
Dad took this photo of me catching some extra zzz's the other day. I thought it would be perfect to represent
Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Ready for Stand-Up

Now for your entertainment pleasure, we proudly present our comedy duo...The Bayou Boys!
Wait...they get better!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Hats Off to Hat Day!

Today is National Hat Day and the Bayou Boys
LOVE a good hat.
Pierre chose a fireman’s hat because the girls like a man in uniform and he thinks he's hot! Hey, where’s the fire?

Friday, January 11, 2019

Houston's Zoo Lights

   As I promised you, this year we will be sharing more of our travels around Texas. Last night we took advantage of one of the last chances to visit Houston’s Zoo Lights. It is the seventh year the zoo has transformed itself into a winter wonderland. We decided to wait until the holiday crowds dwindled before strolling through the gorgeous lighting displays.
   There are fifteen miles of LED lighting illuminating the ancient trees and shining our way along the path. We enjoyed a story from an interactive talking zebra, wound our way through the Enchanted Forest and watched the Holiday Village Train chug around a quaint village.

Here are some of my favorite Houston Zoo Lights   
Houston's Zoo Lights

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Bandanas On the Bayou

   I have been a PrideBites *PAWtner affiliate since September 2014. The reason is simple, they are a fantastic company that hasn’t gotten too big for their breeches! You might remember when PrideBites appeared on Shark Tank and got a sweet deal with Robert and Lori. Since then they have expanded their line with some incredibly cool products.
Red chili peppers and green fronds bandanas
   I love bandanas! Everyone wants their dogs to look cute when they take them out and I am no different. Tying one around Bentley and Pierre’s necks increase their already over the top cuteness to a whole new level!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Bayou Boys' Backyard

Basset and Westie in yard
 Bentley Basset Hound: “Pierre, you know that we haven’t shared too many action pics of us in our backyard lately. I don’t want people to think we’ve slacked up on our patrols. It’s been rainy, you were sick, and the holidays hit but most days we make sure our backyard is safe from intruders.”

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


We hope that you join us for the 2019 Pet Parade hosted by Dash Kitten and co-hosts Bionic Basil and me! You can share a wordless or wordy post or tweet to be shared on social media. All DOGS, CATS and any other pet blog is welcome. Don’t let the Parade pass you by!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy 2019

Two dogs celebrating 2019
We hope that you had a peaceful New Year’s Eve and we wish you the happiest 2019!
I will be busy cooking our traditional New Year’s Day meal of ham, black-eyed peas, cabbage, and cornbread.
Why have we eaten this every year for as long as I can remember? Here is your answer: