As a pet owner, I hate to admit that I have missed some hilarious photo opportunities. Bentley, my Basset has some priceless expressions at the most unexpected times. For example, we had a redwood picnic table in the backyard that was past its picnic days. We decided to haul it to the dump one day while the dogs were inside napping. When they woke up and came outside to take care of their business, neither dog noticed the missing table. Bentley sniffed around our building before heading over to give the picnic table a good gnawing. He had taken about ten steps before it dawned on him there was no table. We sat on the porch and laughed as the most amazed look crossed his face. It is the first time I have ever seen a dog so stunned! Did I have the forethought to have a camera? Nope. Did we discuss that Bentley was going to be shocked to realize the table was no longer there? Yes. Ugh!
Since that time, I have tried and missed many more prime opportunities. Now that I am blogging dogs daily, I have promised myself to do better. This brings me to the Christmas tree. Our granddog, Pierre the Westie, besides being the happiest dog ever born also hates anything to change or move in the house. I was certain when the Christmas tree was decorated with ornaments, tinsel, and lights, he would go crazy. Both dogs stayed outside helping with yard work while the lights and ornaments were hung. I plugged in the lights, had Christmas carols playing, my camera ready, and my cellphone on video. There was no way the hijinks and hilarity was going to be missed this go around! I opened the back door, called the boys in, clicked my video, and started

recording. Bentley trotted in and went immediately for his spot on the couch. Now, for the excitement…Pierre comes running in at his usual warp speed and nothing…nada…zilch. He walked over to the dazzling lights adorning the festive 6’ tree, glanced at it, and hopped up next to Bentley on the couch for a snooze fest. WHAT?!?!?!?!? “Don’t you guys see that I am ready for a great photo shot? Where is that stunned look? What about a hysterical barking fit? C’mon give me something; I have my camera this time! Sigh.” I guess that I should have added a squirrel up in the branches.
Neither dog cared a thing about the tree or the presents that I wrapped to put under it. They did give the gifts a cursory sniff but quickly realized they did not contain any sort of food or treats and lost interest. It looked like there would be no problems, and then the UPS man came to the door with packages. We opened the boxes to discover gaily-wrapped presents from relatives to add to the tree. I didn’t give it a second thought since the chances were small they had food in them. What I didn’t consider was the powerful sniffer decipher on Bentley. He smelled new people and their pets on the gifts and felt it was his duty to open them to investigate. It was funny but no chance for photos while rescuing gifts. Now, I have all our gifts from relatives off the floor and still waiting on the perfectly hilarious Christmas photograph. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a great reaction to the gifts from Santa Paws. I’ll have my camera ready; just let me remember to charge the batteries!
Fill PetSaver’s Stocking for Christmas
If you would love to be able to help PetSavers in Shreveport, LA. but aren’t in a position to adopt a dog or cat, there are many other ways to lend a paw. Don’t wait to make it a New Year’s resolution, get a jumpstart on making a difference now.
DONATE: Of course, donations are always welcome and appreciated. It is expensive to house, feed, and care for all of the animals at the facility. You can make donation in your name, anonymously, or in the name of a loved one, even a beloved pet. Just click on this link to give PetSavers a monetary stocking stuffer!
GIFT: If you would rather give a present to them, they always need scoopable cat litter, Wal Mart gift cards to buy basic supplies, and Kuranda Dog & Cat beds. They have a link to the beds on their webpage. They receive 10% of the sale and you receive 10% off by clicking on their banner ad. Win/win situation for everyone on two and four legs!
VOLUNTEER: Now, if you have more time than money on your hands, that’s great too. PetSavers is in desperate need of volunteers and there are many positions available. Please take a few moments to read over these and find one you’d enjoy. If your club or organization is looking for a community service project, look no further! Contact these wonderful pet lovers and let them know they can count on you.
Adoption Counselor: Greet and assist potential adopters in pet selection, explain policies, answer their questions, remove pets from the kennels/runs and allow prospective adopters to interact with them. Help with general administrative duties. Time Commitment is at least one day per week 12:00 p.m. ~ 4:00 p.m.
Cat Socialization & Grooming: This one-on-one attention with cats ensures they get exercise and stress relief to keep them adoptable, active, happy, and healthy. Assist the public with visiting the cats and helping the cats find forever homes.
Dog Socialization & Grooming: Exercise and socialize dogs to increase adoptability, bathe and groom them to make dogs more comfortable and adoptable. Assist the public with visiting the dogs and help them find their forever homes.
Dog Walker: Give the dogs socialization and heart-healthy exercise with a brisk walk around the neighborhood. PetSavers requires completion of a minimum of 40 hours as a Shelter Assistant Volunteer in order to be considered as a Dog Walker. Dog Walkers must fulfill one scheduled shift per week.
Dog Day Adventures: Take a dog out for a day of fun and adventure. Put the dog in an “Adopt Me” vest; sign him or her out for the day and head to a local park, coffee shop, or downtown. Give your favorite dog a little bit more exposure, increase their opportunity for adoption, and allow them a nice break from the shelter. You must become a Dog Walker before being promoted for Dog Day Adventures.
Junior Volunteer: Volunteers age 12 ~ 17 years are Junior Volunteers. At this time, PetSavers has limited opportunities for Junior Volunteers. They will work with High School Seniors who need to complete required educational volunteer hours. Join their Junior Volunteer Call~to~Action list and they will call you when opportunities abound!
Maintenance/Grounds: There is always something that needs to be done around the grounds of PetSavers. If you are a “handy-person” your skills are always needed somewhere. Please help out with the mowing, gardening, minor building repairs, painting, clean-up, etc.
Phone Volunteer: Wouldn’t you love to help people help their pets? Volunteers are needed to answer phone calls and solve problems as well as find solutions. You can help educate callers about PetSavers programs and services.
Photographer/Biographer: Take digital photos and compose appealing, fun descriptions of shelter animals for PetSavers web site and/or; write articles for the Pet Savers web site and newsletters.
Shelter Assistant: Clean cat rooms and dog/puppy runs. Feed and water the animals. Help exercise the dogs, praise them with treats and attention. This is a critical volunteer position that helps give the pets a safe and pleasant place to live.
Social Media Volunteer: This is an opportunity for anyone interested in volunteering at home for PetSavers’ social media outlets. These include Facebook, Twitter, and the ability to develop more social media outreach. You must have your own email address, access to a computer, and working knowledge of previously mentioned sites.
Special Events Support: PetSavers has many events throughout the year. You can sign up to be on their mailing list and they will call upon you to help with the next event. Events range from adoptions to fundraising. Most events happen on the weekend but whenever they are, they’re guaranteed to be a BLAST!!!
Transporter: PetSavers is always in need of assistance in transporting pets back and forth to doctor appointments and other activities. Sign up to be on the call list.
Just a few Volunteer Requirements:
1. At least 18 years old. (If your 12 ~ 17 yrs. old, the Junior Volunteer Program can provide a wonderful volunteer experience when opportunities are available.)
2. You must be able to squat, bend, twist, lift, or stand for long periods when working directly with animals.
3. Volunteers must possess strong customer service and clear communication skills as all volunteer position work directly with the public, staff, and other volunteers.
4. Work both indoors and outdoors in all weather conditions during both daylight and potentially after dark.
5. You could experience frequent exposure to loud noises, odors, fumes, chemicals, and animal waste.
6. Walk on paved and unpaved surfaces and flooring that may be uneven or wet/dry.
7. There may be exposure to animals that may be agitated and attempt to bite or scratch.