One of the great things about moving to a new state is discovering all the exciting places to explore. This week we went to Mercer Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. It is beautiful and we highly recommend a visit if you are in the Houston area.
The inscription reads; "A visionary naturalist and innovative horticulturalist Thelma Mercer and her husband, Charles, created a charming and unique garden sanctuary on the original 14.5-acre property that would become Mercer Arboretum and Botanical Gardens on January 8, 1974. Her legacy endures in this place of beauty, serenity, and learning that is enjoyed by all who enter these gates."
Today is National Kids and Pets Day. It is the perfect time to share a few facts, tips and thoughts on our two and four-legged babies. I believe that children should grow up around pets if possible. Ask most adults about their childhood and it will usually include loving memories of their first dog or cat.
Our granddaughter and Weather Lab Paisley have been best friends since the day Emery was born.
• Studies show children get more satisfaction from their pets than their siblings.
Do you give your dog’s probiotics? I began giving them to the Bayou Boys after I was hit with a $700 veterinary bill. The final diagnosis? He had an upset stomach and should take some probiotics. I have added a spoonful of probiotic powder to their evening meal. It helps keep their digestive system healthy.
Barking from the Bayou received a bag of ACTIVPETZ in exchange for an honest review. We were not given any other compensation and all opinions are our own. Loving Pets is not responsible for the contents of this post. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an
affiliate advertising program designedto provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites
We recently received a bag of ACTIVPETZ™ from our friends at Loving Pets. They are tasty dog treats fortified with significant levels of vet recommended supplements. Bentley and Pierre love the Chicken Jerky Digestive Health + Probiotic Formula. It is always nice to find an alternative that the boys are excited about. The first ingredient is chicken so they didn’t hesitate to take them. I like that they are made in the USA without grain, wheat, gluten, soy or corn.
The greatest thing happened this past February during Puppy Bowl XIV. I’m not talking about the puppies being adopted or hours of adorable television although those things are fantastic! No, what I am referring to happened to me after the Puppy Bowl halftime show. I was doing what I love to do during this show and that is joining my friends on Twitter to discuss the cuteness overload. After the kittens performed, I sent out the following tweet:
You can imagine my surprise when I received a response from Bissell®. They are sponsors of the annual Puppy Bowl and were offering me a Revolution Pet Pro carpet cleaner. I’m sure my neighbors heard me squeal! We were in the process of buying/selling homes, so I asked them to wait until we settled in Texas before they shipped it.
Do you love sharing Instagram and FaceBook pics of you and your pets in wild and crazy locations? They are always fun, and I have seen dogs travel to some incredible places. If you are traveling by car and your pet is up for a road trip, that’s great. But let’s face it, there are some places where your best friend is simply not allowed. Neither of the Bayou Boys are able to fly in the cabin of an airplane. That means if our vacation is by plane, they get left behind because we refuse to put them in cargo. Still, I can't help but think of all the fabulous photo opportunities I’m missing!
Pierre Westie: “SQUEEEE!! Today is my 7th birthday and I’m so excited to show you pictures of my party. We celebrated a day early so my mom could be there. I can’t tell you how tail-wagging happy I was to be able to spend this momentous occasion with her. Best. Day. Ever.
We are joining Rosy and the gang from LLB in Our Backyard for Flower Friday! Hop over and see what else is blooming in Blogville.
Texas and Bluebonnets go together like peanut butter and jelly, bacon and eggs or chips and salsa. The beautiful bluebonnet flower has been loved in the Lone Star state since cowboys settled the land. In the early days, Spanish priests gathered the seed and grew them at their missions. That is why some people believed the plant originated in Spain. This is not the case since the two-predominant species of bluebonnets grow naturally in Texas and no other place on earth.
Bayou Boys took the day off so I could share with y’all a most amazing
adventure! As we announced on this week’s BFTB NETWoof News, our daughter is
visiting us this week. That seemed like the perfect opportunity to hit the road
and discover some new places. We hopped in the car and headed to Brenham,Texas. It is the home of Blue Bell Ice Creamery where "they eat all they can and sell the rest!"
Brenham Creamery Company began in 1907 making butter from excess cream the
local farmers brought. A few years later, they decided to make ice cream. They
delivered in town by horse and wagon. In 1930, the company changed its name to
Blue Bell Creameries in honor of the native Texas bluebell wildflower. They
continued to make butter until 1958 when they started making ice cream full
time. We are so glad they did!
the Scoop on Blue Bell Creamery
They churn out 240 little cups of ice cream
50 half gallons of ice cream per
It takes 50,000 cows to produce the milk for one day’s worth of ice cream.
The work area is kept at a cool 62°.
The ice cream is sent to the blast freezer overnight where the wind
chill is -100°
We could have taken
the stairs but how do you resist this adorable elevator?
💗 A duo, it’s true-o,
it’s forever me and you-o 💗
I have found my dream
Heaven in a cup!
Skipper and I had a scoop of the pecan pralines ‘n cream and Jessica chose mint chocolate
I will admit to moaning out loud with the first few bites until I caught myself!
Bell is only available in 22 states but ranks as one of the top-selling ice
creams in the country. If you just can’t resist the urge to try some of the
country’s best ice cream, you can order it to be shipped anywhere in the USA,
but it will cost you a pretty penny. Check their website for prices but don’t panic,
it also tells you how to have a friend ship it to you.
If you are ever in the Houston area, Brenham is a little over an hour away. The Blue Bell Creamery is worth the drive and fun tasty way to spend a couple of hours.
Blue Bell has some wonderful commercials but this is one always made my
father-in-law laugh so it is my favorite.
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Bentley Basset Hound: “Today is National Sibling Day and even though Pierre is my brother from another mother, we consider ourselves siblings.”
Pierre Westie: “Having a sibling means having a best friend that loves and tolerates you…most of the time! We thought today would be a great time to look at what having a sibling mean to us.”
Do you have an emergency first aid kit for your dog?
No matter how careful we are with our pets, illness and accidents happen. It’s always best to be prepared so you’re less likely to freak out. If your dog is anything like mine, they only seem to get sick in the middle of the night on the weekend or a holiday. I think we can all agree that nothing gets you out of bed faster than the sound of your dog vomiting!
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There are few things that irritate me as much as people that refuse to pick up after their dogs. It is International Pooper Scooper Week and I am once again climbing on my soapbox to preach to the choir. I say that because I feel sure that most of my readers are responsible pet parents who always pick up after their dogs. Since this is the case, please feel free to print this post out and share it with those who are shirking their doodie duty.
No Excuses
There is NO excuse for not picking up your dog’s doo. It is just that simple. It’s your dog and unless they can clean up after themselves, the job lands squarely at your feet. Bend down and put it in a dog waste bag. If you don’t have doggie bags, use a grocery store bag, a bread bag or anything you can carry. Don’t walk away and leave it.