As summer gets into full swing, it is important to remember that your dog’s paws can burn on hot pavement, asphalt, concrete, sand or metal surfaces. All of these can absorb heat from the sun during the day and they won’t cool down for several hours after the sun has gone.
We took a road trip from the Bayou to Phoenix, Arizona and it was HOT! I won two packages of Pawz® (medium & small) from Wag n Woof’s giveaway a few months ago, so we let the boys get used to wearing them prior to the trip. They took to them right away. Bentley needed the large size so PetSmart gave me two sample pairs. Pawz provided them for everyone at the BlogPaws conference. I was not asked to write about Pawz, but I really love using them and think you might like them too.
The Arizona weather forecast called for hot and hotter temperatures. Even my Coke® knew that it was getting hot in here.
Bentley and Pierre are all smiles with their paws protected while standing on the corner in a certain small Arizona town.
I wasn’t petrified they would burn their paws at the Petrified Forest. The Pawz are easy to slip on and off. *Pierre does occasionally lose his left rear bootie by "pealing out" when he takes off running.
We heard comments from most of the people that we passed at the Grand Canyon. It was a lot of, “What a great idea.” “I didn’t think about their paws getting hot.” “Look, it’s a Basset wearing shoes. Can I pet him?” “Awww, the little Westie is wearing shoes. Can we pet him?” “If that isn’t the cutest thing!”
In other words, Pawz are attention getters that serve a greater purpose. We were able to share the importance of paw protection in extreme temperatures to curious travelers.
Be sure to take breaks during the heat of the day. Always have fresh water available on your walks. Heatstroke can be deadly for your dog.
Don’t get burnt this summer. Protect the paws. Check for excessive heat by holding the back of your hand on the street/pavement for 5 seconds. If you can’t do it, the ground is too hot for your dog’s unprotected pads. Use Pawz or your favorite dog bootie to prevent a painful paw injury. Bentley says all of the cool dogs are wearing shoes!