Do your dog’s ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? If so, you probably have dealt with the dreaded ear infections. They are painful and in most cases require a visit to your veterinarian. It is best to get to the vet at the first sign of an ear infection. Left untreated an infection can lead to not only excruciating pain but in some cases, deafness. It is time to declare war and combat ear infections in our dogs.
There are certain breeds of dogs that are more prone to infections. These include those with an abundance of hair in or around the entrance of their ears and those with floppy ears. Dogs have an outer, middle, and an inner ear just like a human. It is the shape of a dog’s outer ear that is so different and that is where the trouble begins. Where our ear canal is horizontal, a dog’s ear canal descends vertically then takes a sharp turn only to proceed horizontally to the eardrum. Most dogs are able to vigorously shake their head and dislodge any foreign matter, but that is not always the case. Dogs with long drop or folded ears have a difficult time ridding their auditory canal of water and debris. This makes it a hotbed for infections.