Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Clowns, Jokers, Basset Hounds

Bentley Basset Hound in a trio of photos. He is sitting up looking left, right and forward

   People ask us all of the time how Bentley sits up like he does. The truth is it’s something he has done since he was a puppy. We didn’t teach him how to do it. He just walked over to us one night and sat up like he was about to join our conversation. The first few times that he did it, we would put our hands on either side of him certain that he was going to topple over. He would sway until he got his balance and once he did, he’d just sit there staring at us. Now, he just pops up and sits as if it’s the most natural position in his world. It always makes me smile.

I am joining my BlogPaws® friends for another 
Almost Wordless Wednesday.


  1. That is hilarious. He is the only bassett I know that sits up like that and he does it so naturally. Please don't tell him that I can't sit up like he does. He would fall over laughing.

  2. So so cute!! Bassetts are so smart.

  3. One of the scotties used to do that. Same thing, just did it with no training. So cute. Give that hound a treat...or two.

  4. Oh my gosh, this is one of the most adorable things I have ever seen! We had a cat that used to do this, but never a dog. Thanks for the Wednesday smile, Bentley!

  5. That really is hilarious! I often wondered if it was something you taught him! Chloe used to do that...but since she has bad knees and is getting older now...she just can't do it anymore.

  6. Bentley you are AMAZING!!!! I haf nefer seen another basset do that, yous a special fella
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  7. it works for him and makes him taller :)

  8. Such a cute post, my Bentley. Some of the best things we do are things we do on our own that were never trained. You are amazing to sit like that!

  9. I've wondered about this. Every once in awhile Jeffie would do the same thing. We didn't teach or encourage it. Have to say Bentley is adorable sitting up like that.

  10. Bentley you are an artist and I love your "sin in's" ... I will try it too.... on which side do you place your tail?

  11. WE can do that.... fur about 87 nonoseconds... then we sort of BEND in the middle.... YOU are an EXPERT, Bentley.

  12. Haha, Bentley's just so adorable! I have to know though, who's the clown and who's the joker? Lol!

  13. You look too cute when you sit up, Bentley!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  14. Oh Bentley, you are too adorable when you sit like that. Maybe you can teach me how you do it! :)

  15. We love how he sits. Stanley does that sometimes but only in a chair (not freestyle).

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. That's great Bently. Keep that strong personality. It keeps the humans guessing.

  17. WE wondered if it was a basset thing or a Bentley talent. It is soo cool!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. Here's a question - Is that position common for ALL Bassett Hounds or is this strictly a "Bentley Thang?" I love it.

  19. Does Bentley know he is a dog and not a person?!? Dogs don't usually sit like that! BOL

  20. That's so adorable that he learned to do that all on his own!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  21. Hey Bentley!
    Wow, you look so cute! I can't do that at all...too long in the middle and too uncoordinated, I guess. BOL. This is so fun because now my Mom has that song stuck in her head.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  22. Gosh, I love that. My mom's doxie used to do this too, typically when she wanted something. Her neck got all squished up like Bentley's. Just the cutest thing!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  23. So silly. I love how they do things like that on their own. Like a part of their personality. Cocoa will sit up like that and put her arms on either side of us and put her head down and it is the sweetest thing ever!!

  24. Bentley is so darned cute. He makes US smile, too!

  25. That is too funny!! I love it, I always did like that song.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  26. That's quite the trick! Although my last Standard was great at it, Sam always looks at me like I've asked him something in Swahili-tricks are beneath him. That or he's beyond stupid. ;)

  27. Hey Bentley! You are such a talented dog! I wanna sit up like that too! :D


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