Thursday, December 3, 2020

Happy 13th Birthday, Bentley

 Mom, Dad & Pierre: “Bentley! Hey, Bentley!! BENTLEY!!! Wake up!”

Bentley: “What in the world is all the commotion? Why would y’all be hollerin’ at me when I’m clearly not through sleeping? I am not deaf, ya know.”

 Mom, Dad & Pierre: “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We love you!”

Bentley: “Awww, thanks you guys. That is really sweet of y’all to remember. Now, if you’ll excuse me, nature calls.”

*Bentley has agreed to a sit-down interview for his birthday AFTER he takes care of his "business" and enjoys a hearty breakfast. Teenagers…what are you going to do?

Me: “Wow! Can you believe you are thirteen years old? That makes you an official teenager. Look at what a precious puppy you were, and I must say, you are a very handsome 13 year old. Are you planning on becoming a rebel and difficult to deal with like some teens?”

Bentley: “My plan is to continue to be the happy-go-lucky guy I’ve always been. As long as you continue to feed me Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health at precisely 7:00am and 5:00pm each day, let me outside when I go stand by the door but refuse to ring the bell, rub my belly whenever I roll over, groom me, brush my teeth, clean my ears, take me for walks, and bring me my bedtime snack in bed each night, I don’t foresee any problems whatsoever.”

Me: “None of that seems unreasonable to you, does it? You forgot to mention to wake-up whenever you are ready to go outside or get hungry. Although, I must admit there is nothing better than waking up to your sweet kisses when you stand up on the side of our bed. I cherish our morning time snuggles on the floor even though you wake me up ten minutes before my alarm goes off every single morning. How do you even do that?”

Bentley: “Okay, I have to warn you that as a teenager, I’m about to roll my eyes and sigh. Don’t take it personally, it’s my job now. As far as our mornings together, it’s my favorite time too…except for eating…and chasing the laser light with Dad…then there is going outside so I can come back in to get a treat…barking is also hard to beat. Let’s face it, I’m a dog so every part of the day is my favorite part. Do you have any other questions?”

Me: “People always ask how we taught you to sit up. Would you please tell our readers how you began sitting up?”

Bentley: “It is really funny that humans assume I had to be taught. The truth is, it is just how I like to sit when I want to talk to y’all. When I first started sitting up as a young pup, you and Dad would put your arms on either side of me in case I fell over. I may not say it often enough, but I appreciate how y’all take such good care of me. Both of you worry about me if something is wrong and great vet care has always been a priority. That is another reason I’m so healthy and happy at my age! When I was sick last year, we thought I’d never sit up again but thanks to Dr. Harvey’s Ortho Flex, I am once again sitting like a champ. Good food, vet care, and lots of loving are the secrets to reaching the teen years.”

Me: “It seems as if you are sleeping much deeper than you used to and we have to get loud to wake you up. The funny thing is that you can still hear me open the fridge and get out the chicken container when you are outside. I open the door and you come running. Why do you think that happens?”

Bentley: “I hate to roll my eyes again but are you seriously asking me why I pretend not to hear you when I am sleeping but don’t play games about chicken treats? Duh! Actually, my hearing isn’t as great as it used to be but it is more the pitch of sound that I don’t always hear. Luckily, I can still hear Tupperware being opened!”

Me: “One last question. What are your plans as you enter the teen years?”

Bentley: “I am hoping to spend more time hanging out with Pierre and the little humans. We feel very protective over them. They love us and being around them brings out the puppy in both of us.”

Me: “Bentley, when we were offered to take a six-week-old Basset Hound puppy thirteen years ago, there was no way of knowing how you’d impact our lives. I pray that we have many more years with you and promise to make every day your very best day ever!”

Happy 13th birthday,


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  1. happy birthday dear bentley... your sit up is legend and we try efurry day to sit like you... but with not much success LOL

  2. A howling happy 13th birthday to you, Bentley! Enjoy the teenage years and all the loving and great care you get. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead and many more!

  3. Bentley, you are amazing!
    Happy Birthday, handsome!

  4. Bentley it is so hard for me to believe that you are 13!!!! Happy Happy Birthday you cutie!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo

  5. A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENTLEY!! Have a great day filled with all your favorite things!

  6. Happy birthday Bentley! You're looking good and enjoying life! Hooray!

  7. Happy 13th Birthday Bentley. You sure are a cutie!

  8. Oh Bentley, you are one handsome ManDog! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY 13th BURTHDAY my furiend!!!!! I thought that 12 was old, butts 13?! BOL!!! Ma also says that I sleep deeper than I used to! She says, when I'm UP I'm UP, and when I'm down (sleepin'), I'm down! BOL! I am so glads your Moms takes super duper good care of you, and you gots her trained so well! Have a most FABulous day Bentley!!!
    Ruby ♥

  9. Oh Happy Day Sweet Bentley! What a lucky pup you are, what a lucky family you have ...

  10. Bentley Happy Happy 13th bday. I hope your day was wonderful and I want to say appaws appaws for the excellent posture you have. Wow
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Aww, such a sweet fur baby. Happy Barkday, Bentley! Hope it was grand!

  12. Looks like your birthday was a knockout, B. 13 is a great age. Enjoy every minute of it! xoxo

    Love and licks,

  13. Happy belated birthday, Bentley! We totally loved hearing how you learned to sit up! :)

  14. Happy belated birthday, Bentley ! We're glad you had a wonderful celebration, and we loved reading your interview ! Purrs


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