Monday, May 19, 2014

Paw Prints ID

Last week during the BlogPaws conference, we were lucky to meet many amazing brand representatives.  We also received many free samples.  Bentley and Pierre were very pleased with the wide variety of bounty that we brought home.  One of my favorite non-edible items was the two PawPrintsIDs.  We met Jason Smith, who is one of the founders of the company.  He was extremely nice and very helpful.  The boys are quite proud of their new high-tech dog tags.  They insist on telling you about them.
My mom loves me and
never wants me to get lost.
Bentley: “Thanks Mom.  I want to tell our readers about the cool ID tags that Pierre and I are sporting on our collars.  It hasn’t been too long ago that I began wearing a collar.  That’s all thanks to PurelyPersonalized Pet.  You can read about it on this post.  Anyway, I didn’t have a nametag to hang on my spiffy collar.  It was a great surprise when Mom attached this new acrylic coated aluminum tag to it.”
Pierre: “I have always worn a collar because that’s just how I roll.  Speaking of rolls, you haven’t worn one because of that roll of extra skin around your neck.  *snicker* These new tags don’t have our names on them.  Instead, they have a QR code.  QR stands for Quick Response.  That is something that you never do, unless it involves food!  Sorry, I couldn’t help myself from being hilarious.”
Bentley: “Oh you are just a laugh a minute today, aren’t you?  I’d tell you to get lost, but with our new tags, it wouldn’t do any good.  You see, all anyone has to do is use their smartphone and scan our tags.  Just like magic, within 30 seconds Mom would get a text message letting her know that your tag has been scanned.  If the person who found you has GPS enabled on their phone, it will even give her a Google map with your exact location.  Paw Prints ID even has a free download for a QR reader.  In case the person that finds you doesn’t have a smartphone, they can type the tag number into the user-friendly PawPrintsID site and your information pops up on the screen.”
Pierre: “Do you think Gramma put the fact that I’m on the cover of her book on my information page?  I do want to be treated as a celebrity sighting.  She did use one of my
I just wanted to be treated
like a superstar.  Is that so wrong?
most handsome photos.  My page also says that I love everyone, and that I’m an inside dog.  It even has my veterinarian information on it.  I checked, but didn’t see anything about me being fabulous.  I wonder what’s up with that.”
Bentley: “Oh good grief!  She had to limit the information to the facts.  It does say that you’re a runner.  You know how you don’t come back when you’re called.  Yeah, that IS on your information profile.  It will also be super easy for your mom to update the information whenever you move back with her.  *hint, hint*  The only thing that can’t be changed is your name and your sex.  That means you can’t undergo any sex change operation and change your name to Pierrette.  I’m just sayin’.  These tags are so much more efficient than posting flyers all around the neighborhood.  I like all of the information that Mom wrote about me.  I also like everyone, including children unless they act all goofy and hyper.  That gets on my last nerve.  Obviously, the site was really simple to navigate; even she didn’t have any trouble.  You know that she isn’t the most tech-savvy human around.”
Pierre: “Bless her heart, most really old people aren’t.  She was so proud when she had everything filled out and our tags were ready to begin protecting us from possible loss.  We never are loose, but I’ll admit to having made a break just the other day.  Papaw was running around after me as I dodged and darted.  I’m thinking of trying out for the New Orleans Saints, because I can sure hustle.  I just have to figure out how to make my smooth moves with a football.  I finally gave up and came back to the front door.  Papaw didn’t see the humor in my little escapade for some reason.”
Bentley: “You’re just lucky that you came back home.  That happened before we were tagged.  There is no telling where you would have ended up without these ingenious jewels on our collars.  Since neither of us have ever been microchipped, we were pretty much on our own if something happened.  Plus, those chips can move around and when most vets or shelters scan a dog or cat, they scan their backs.  If that little rice-sized chip moves, you’re basically a lost cause.  You could be saying hello to shelter life or *shudder* the pound!  The PawPrintsID tag only costs $39.95 and that’s for life.  No monthly payments and if you manage to lose yours while your digging for moles or any other fruitless shenanigans that you engage in, a replacement is just $12.95.  That’s cheap to ensure we get back to living in our lap of luxury.  Personally speaking, I’m worth it.”
Pierre: “I’m worth much more and my mom tells me that I am priceless.  My mole digging
I am a fierce mole-hunter.
is only fruitless until I pull one of those tunneling varmints out of a hole.  Then, you’ll be calling me Mr. Pierre Mole-Catcher Extraordinaire.  I keep digging for them because practice makes perfect.”
Bentley: “Well, that may be so but your practice only makes huge holes in the backyard.  That’s beside the point anyway.  Did we cover all of the crazy great features of our new ID tags?  Let’s see; they are light as can be, durable, hold tons of information in a tiny funny looking square, the site is easy to use, and we look super sexy in them.  Yep, that should cover it.”
Pierre: “We’d better mention that our readers can buy them at their vet or other places for $19.95.  The other $20.00 is payable when they register their tag.  Of course, a visual is always helpful.  You can click here to see an example of the profile page that comes up when a tag is scanned.  Below, you can see what a QR code looks like.  You’ve probably seen them in hundreds of places like magazines, television, and newspaper.  Even business cards have them nowadays.”
Bentley: I guess all that’s left to do is thank the fabulous folks at PawPrintsID for our new tags.  Thanks so much.  My mom isn’t as stressed about us getting lost and never returning.  Personally, I am never leaving.  I know a great thing when I have one.  My family, my home, and now, my PawPrintsID tag are all great things.  I think that I’ll keep them.  If you want to know more about these incredible tags, click here to watch their video.”
This is a QR code.
*I received two PawPrintsID at the 2014 BlogPaws conference.  They were given to any attendee that requested one.  There was no mention of posting a review for this product.  I am reviewing this product only to share the information with my readers.

 Monday is always a great day for mischief and Mischief Monday recognizes this fact.  My Brown Newfies, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, andAlfie’s Blog host this fun-filled blog hop, so be sure to visit them as well as the other mischievous bloggers.


  1. I really like the idea of a QR code for a collar!
    However, I wonder what the... technologically unsophisticated, let's say, will do if they come across one. Maybe a simple name & number tag combined with a full-info QR one would cover all bases?

    1. Yes, a regular name tag and a microchip will surely bring back a lost pet. It is important to cover all of your bases.

  2. The very nice man who offered to take my picture with the pets at Arches National park is exactly the reason I will never have these "must know technology" tags: after I showed him where to tough the screen on my phone to shoot a photo, he turned it around and tried to look into the camera lens to see what he was shooting! Granted, the sun was too bright to see much of anything on the screen but, this very sweet man was representative of most of America aka places I travel aka places I'd want someone to call me and help me get my dog back!

    1. Hahaha! A regular tag will always be great for the technology impaired! The tags do have a number that can be typed into the PawPrintsID site and they have a toll-free number.

  3. they are a great idea - we won one some time back and gave it to our cousin dog.....the only problem is - not everyone has smart phones to read them and his actually rubbed against other tags and got ruined even with the tag protectors around it. They are a great idea though

    1. Oh my! You should let them know and they'd probably replace it. A rescuer can always type the tag number into the company's site for the information or call the toll-free number. I think the tags are a great idea too. (I wish I'd thought of it! haha)

  4. We think they sound like a good idea but we'd just stick with the old fashion ones. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Thanks! I feel better knowing there is one more way to recover the boys if they get loose. The good old standards are always a plus. : )

  5. Mom and I met up with him but it was at the very end and he was packing up. He was going to email us for our address to send up some tags. We will see if he does. We love that GPS feature of the tag. Mom never wants to lose us. We would only run away if we were on the hunt, but it is dangerous with cars and all. Very scary. Glad you two are protected!

    1. Thanks Emma, I feel like a very modern man with my QR tag!

  6. That's a super idea, maybe sometimes we will get iit here too. But we would be happy if all people would chip their pets, although it is law so many people ignore it.

    1. I still plan on getting Bentley chipped. It would be great if everyone covered all of the ways to get their pet back home safe and sound!

  7. Those sound really cool! What a great idea!

    1. Those little QR codes are amazing! I like knowing all of their info is just a scan away. That Google map feature blew my mind!

  8. Wow!!!!! That is so cool! And they gave you these at blog paws?! Sheesh! I really did miss out!!!!!
    Hopefully your pups will never leave your side and you will not have to use this, but a super super cool product!!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. Thanks Jenna! I was super excited to have them.

  9. Wow how smart. It is just the right thing for our Vaks. He is a runner, though mom is an optimist and are dreaming that we will teach him to come when we are calling his name. Unfortunately the tags won't work in Denmark I think. BTW Vaks is microchipped. Sniff and wags from Laika and Vaks.

  10. Oh snap! I got a cool tag, too! I'll have rummage through my things and find it for Chewy. Thanks for reminding me!

  11. We have a similar tag on the way but I do wonder how many people will know what it is! I think I'm going to put it on his harness as a backup tag.

  12. It does feel good to not worry about a lost pet, right?

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  13. Cool! We'll have to check that out.

  14. Those are terrific! We love that so much information can be contained in a QR code!

  15. Great review, they are becoming very popular. Have a great night.

  16. We love these types of products because being prepared is so important. If you dog gets lost or stolen, you want to make sure you have covered all bases to make sure you get your pup back home as quickly as possible.
    Great review :)

  17. Great review! I think the GPS feature is a good one.

  18. Sounds pretty cool guys! Those QR barcode thingies I always see on stuff are still a mystery to me. I just don't really know what the heck they are for lol. Maybe I should start scanning them and find out.

  19. Jason was way cool! We got some of these too! We need to do some catching up on our blog posting from BlogPaws :)


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