Sunday, June 29, 2014

National Camera Day

“I’m not spoiled…oh wait, yes I am!”

   It’s National Camera Day and a perfect day to celebrate with Sugar the Golden Retriever and Dachshund Nola’s Black & White Sunday’s blog hop.  Pictures have captured our lives and world for hundreds of years.  It was only a few years ago that we had to buy film, take our photos, turn them in at a store, and wait a week while praying they turned out decent.  Now, instead of lugging around bulky cameras, we have the ability to take photographs with our tiny cell phones.  It is one of the great advancements of our time.  Celebrate the camera today by enjoying these B & W photography blogs, and then take some great shots of your own.


  1. LOVE this photo!!! Absolutely LOVE it!!

  2. What a stunning photo!

    I had no idea it was Camera Day.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  3. My beautiful baby boy! Love the pic :)

  4. It is a wonderful thing to be spoiled, isn't it? Had no idea about national camera day. Where did all the film and flashcubes go anyway?

  5. That photo is so precious!
    Cameras have really come a long way, haven't they? I used to dream of being a professional photographer, and there was something special about working in a darkroom and watching those photos appear. That's one thing missing to it these days. Over the years, I got away from photography and now I really need to re-learn my skills but just can't seem to find the time to do so!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  6. perfect photo for national camera day

  7. That is a great photo! I love the "softness" of it.

  8. Certainly a fantastic photo. I didn't even realize it was national camera day!

  9. Beautiful photo! I could swear that your a professional photographer!!!
    Way to go! I will do my best to take some good shots today!
    Have a great Sunday!}ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  10. The invention of the digital camera has revolutionized picture taking. Without them there wouldn't be blogs either. Happy snapping.

  11. Well that is a fun piece of information, so cool! I am up to Chapter 7 in The Returns and I am loving in so far!

  12. just gorgeous!!!! Question, will they have a National iPhone Camera Day? BOL!

  13. Of course you are and you deserve it!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. Great photo! It almost looks like a pencil portrait.

  15. Oh National Camera Day... how great! And Pierre you look stunning! Y'know it doesn't seem like 5 minutes since I was at college 'agitating' film in stinky chemicals only for them NEVER to turn out right! lol We worked in B&W film too, because we didn't have the facilities for colour processing... Photography used to be such an expensive hobby, we are so lucky that practically everybody can enjoy it these days!
    Hugs, Carrie and pups! x

  16. Wonderful photo! I didn't know it was National Camera Day, I guess you do learn something every day.

  17. Purrrfect! We think our mom celebrates this day EVERY day. *sigh*

    We tried to get our mom to follow you back on Twitter but she is in the middle of nowhere Texas with spotty cell reception, and couldn't figure out how to find you from the mobile app. We'll make her do it when she returns, we pinky swear!

  18. It's such a lazy sunday, Pierre looks great!

  19. Gorgeous!! I didn't know it was National Camera Day. I'll have to go snap some pictures ;)

  20. Oh, but you are so worth it, right?

  21. This photo is really gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

  22. We were thinking to post something for Camera Day but Soccer is trending. Also, everyday is camera day :-) LOVEly photo. Golden Woofs

  23. Beautiful photo of Pierre, gorgeous pose and lovely B&W tones. I remember my first digital camera I bought about 16 years ago cost more than my 2nd hand DSLR did a year ago. And it's still being used by a girlfriend :) Times sure have changed though. Yay for cameras and making memories!

  24. What a perfect day for a perfect picture.


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