Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Some Holiday Ho Ho Ho & Matchy-Matchy Sweaters

Here is a little musical number the boys and I have been working on for the holidays. Ho Ho Ho!

   Have you joined the ugly Christmas sweater craze? Here is a fun chance to make you and your dog “Twinkies” with the help of CESAR® brand pet food’s Matchy-Matchy photo generator. All you do is upload your photo and digitally try on the four festive holiday sweater styles to download or share on social media. They also have awesome knitting patterns for those crafty folks who want to knit their own Matchy-Matchy sweaters.
Mark Ballas and I T with their best fur-iends
   This is Mark Ballas with his dog Hendrix and Ice T with Spartacus showing off their festive holiday Matchy-Matchy sweaters for CESAR.
Thanks to Mars Petcare for our Christmas present
   We’d like thank Mars Petcare for our Christmas package. The boys will be so excited on Christmas morning.
We are joining our friends at BlogPaws™ for 
"Not So" Wordless Wednesday. 


  1. oh what a fab performance... I would love to see you 3 in a broadway show :o)

  2. You guys are great dancers! What a fun performance *applause*

  3. You guys and your mom need to hit Broadway with your skills! Looking fabulous for the holidays!

  4. Thanks for the Wednesday smiles! You are fabulous performers!

  5. Wow, you must have had years of dance lessons and a great choreographer to pull this off.

  6. That's some pawsome toe-tapping you guys did there! Loved the paw-formance.

  7. Wow! That really put us into the holiday spirit!

  8. Adorbs!! Great video, guys. I love holiday sweaters for pets, ugly or otherwise. They all look cute once they get on a pet! I happen to Love Ice T, he & Spartacus look gorgeous!
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  9. Adorbs!! Great video, guys. I love holiday sweaters for pets, ugly or otherwise. They all look cute once they get on a pet! I happen to Love Ice T, he & Spartacus look gorgeous!
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  10. Matching jumpers??!! We're glad we have Christmas in summer.

  11. Fun performance ! Momo and Claire got Chrismas sweaters this year, but don't even think about us for wearing an outfit ! Purrs

  12. APaws! Apaws!! great pawformance!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. OMD Love the Video butt those Matchy Matchy sweaters are... OVER THE TOP...

  14. That was fun! Y'all are great dancers!
    I'm not sure I'm ready to dress to match my dogs...hubby might think I've really lost it then! LOL
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Very cute BUTT do NOT give our mom any ideas!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. You are all such talented singers and dancers! Very funny. :) Those sweaters are pretty pawsome too. I will have to remember that for next year. We got a pawsome box like yours from Mars Petcare too. They are the best!
    -Purrs from your friends at

  17. Oh, how I love Jib Jab. I don't think I've seen anything from that site that hasn't made me laugh. Adding pups to it is a masterful touch!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  18. Wells, that's the ONLY WAY Ma is gettin ME into a sweater!!!! BOL!!!!
    I thinks I'll have to try that! Thanks guys!
    Oh, and LOVED your video!
    Ruby ♥

  19. Great looking box you all have there! Wish we were close - I'd bring the boys over for a snack! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  20. Love your video!

    Happy Christmas!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  21. Fun video!!! I don't do ugly xmas sweaters.


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