Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What's Your Whimzees?

Basset Hound sitting up
Barking from the Bayou, LLC received these bags of Whimzees in exchange for an honest review. We only review products that we like and feel would benefit our audience. Whimzees is not responsible for the contents of this post. There are Amazon affiliate links and if you make a purchase, we will earn a small commission, but your order will not cost you any extra.
Bentley Basset: “It’s a known fact that Pierre and I enjoy a good chew. We also cherish our brilliant smiles so healthy teeth and gums are important. When we get the opportunity to review Whimzees™, it is a no-brainer. They make a great chew that helps remove plaque and tartar. You can count on me sitting at attention whenever Natural Dog Treats are being offered.”
Pierre Westie: “Why aren’t you offering one to me? You are being mighty selfish this close to Christmas. Santa Paws knows, he ALWAYS knows.”
Basset Hound sitting with Whimzees Natural Treats
Bentley: I’m not being selfish. The bag clearly states these are for dogs that weigh between 40 – 60 lbs. I am looking out for you, little buddy.”
Pierre: “But they are vegetarian, gluten-free and low-fat. You have the Veggie Sausage flavor. I loooovvvee Veggie Sausage.”
Westie licking a Whimzees' bag
Pierre: “Hey look! This bag is Whimzees Natural Daily Dental Treats Brushzees. Check out what it says; ‘24 small for dogs 15 to 25 lbs.’ That means these are mine…all mine! Don’t hound me when I am savoring the aroma. It has me licking my lips.”
Bentley: “I could probably eat two of them and that would level out for a dog my size. It's algebra or something, trust me. Besides, yours are vegetarian, grain-free, gluten-free and GMO free. That sounds like something I need.”
Westie reaching for treat
Pierre: “Don’t even think about it, Bentley. I’ll make sure Mom seals my bag up with the Velcro® closure so you can’t get your big paws on them. Besides, don’t you want me to have fresh breath and clean teeth? Whimzees Dental Treats are cute with a smiling tooth on each one. I am a sucker for cute. It is the new shape of clean.”
Bentley: “Are you following Whimzees on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest? It’s the best way to fetch discounts, sales and new products.”
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  1. I love the toothbrushes... oh wait... the hedgehogs... or the gators? whatever I love them all whimzees rock!

    1. Whimzees are so yummy! Our breath is kissable for the girls too!

  2. Oh yum, sounds very tasty AND an added bonus of being good fur teefs, win, win I finks
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. We always enjoy some Whimzees, but don't get them very often. Bone Apetit!

  4. These treats sound like a winner to me!

    1. They are really good and help our teeth to stay white.

  5. Yummers...looks like you two are doing some great tricks for those treats too
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. Replies
    1. They are yummy and the dental treats are the perfect Westie size!

  7. The Vegetarian Whimzees are wagnificient!
    3 bum swings! 3 more! 💜
    Normally, huMom gives me fresh snacks but occasionally I get store bought snacks & this is one that is safe for me.

    Nose nudges,
    CEO Olivia

    1. We get a lot of fresh veggies and fruit but sometimes we need a good chew from Whimzees.

  8. You should have known you wouldn't be left out, Pierre! It's nice to have your own sizes sometimes, so you don't have to share! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. It's a good thing because Bentley's bones are too big for me. The dental chews are the perfect petite size for me.

  9. I LOVE Whimzees!!!!!!
    Hazel too

  10. Nothing like a good chew to keep your day going right!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. Okays, I gots to get Ma on these!!! After nine years, this year the dogtor said I had a little tarter, so Ma has to gets me chewin' on a dental chew! How often do you give these?? Can I have one everyday, or would I puts on the pounds? I gots to watch my waistline ya know! ☺
    Ruby ♥


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