Pierre Westie: “Hey, Bentley! Wake up!! I have a great idea for a new act. You’ll never guess in a million dog years. This is gonna be BIG! How can you sleep at a time like this?!?”
Bentley Basset: “Simmer down dude. Nobody should be this excited when they wake up and nobody should ever wake me up without a good reason like bacon frying in the kitchen. Since I don’t smell bacon, you had better hope this is worth interrupting my slumber.”
Pierre: “You are going to be sorry that you were grumpy once we are famous Vegas stars! I am pretty sure that we can be headliners by summer. Trust me. I'll have you know I am now a pawfessional magician. Please call me by my new stage name, Pierre the Magnificent.”
Bentley: “You have GOT to be kidding me. When did you become Pierre the Magnificent and more importantly, why?”
Pierre (the Magnificent): “Don’t you love it?? I sent off for the magic kit online. It came with instructions but I’m more of a paws on learner. That is where you come in. I am going to separate you into thirds and magically put you back together. It will be stunning. I can already see our names in lights on the Vegas Strip, Pierre the Magnificent and Bentley Houndini.”
Bentley: “I must be slap out of my mind to go along with this trick. Are you sure you know what you’re doing? What if you can’t put me back together again? Remember what happened to Humpty Dumpty? He had all the kings horses and men but they couldn’t do squat.”
Pierre (the Magnificent): “That was an egg and he fell or was pushed off a wall. This is totally different. You just stand up in this box and I will amaze our audience. Trust me.”
Bentley: “Whaaaat? How did you do that? I must say that was impressive. Besides, Bentley Houndini does have a nice ring to it.”
Happy Smoke and Mirrors Day!
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Put a little magic in your life!
it is a long way to become a david copperfield... but it is a magic good start Pierre ;O)))
ReplyDeleteThat's an awesome magical trick, Pierre! You and Bentley are going to be rolling in the green papers!
ReplyDeleteBOL!!! We knew you BEFORE you became famous!!
ReplyDeleteWe read about this day, but didn't have a clue what to do with it. Hope Pierre can put you back together again!
ReplyDeleteBentley, we have to say you are very brave to let Pierre do that to you! :)
ReplyDeleteJan, Wag 'n Woof Pets
I'm pretty sure that the MGM Hotel in Vegas will be giving the boys a call!! Great act!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you take your act on the road...I'll be first in line
ReplyDeleteHugs madi and mom
A dog magic act simply cannot fail. Where do we get tickets?
ReplyDeleteWell done. Look out Wayne Newton...there's some serious competition coming your way.
ReplyDeleteWhat a pawsome trick, Pierre ! You're the new David Copperfield ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteYou should audition for America's Got Talent!
Hazel & Mabel
Now how did you do that????
ReplyDeleteThat is a very magical trick, P the Magnificent! You've never looked more ....amazing, B.
ReplyDeleteGood job!
Love and licks,
Wow! I never heard of Smoke and Mirrors Day! I'm not sure I can think of a good magic trick. However, my tennis balls are masters of illusion. They're always disappearing under the couch!
ReplyDeleteI would go to see your show.
ReplyDeleteExcellent trick!
ReplyDeleteWooooHoooooo!!!!! Bravo boyz!!!! I would throw my panties on the stage, butts I don't wears any!!!! BOL!!!!
Ruby ♥
Great trick
ReplyDeleteThis is such a cute trick guys, you'll be a Vegas showstopper for sure!
ReplyDeleteLove & biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them