Wednesday, October 16, 2019

5 Signs Your Dog is the Boss

   Today is National Boss’s Day and since we are retired, we don’t have any bosses. That’s right, we don’t have to answer to anyone…or do we?
   The Bayou Boys certainly have a lot of the characteristics of a boss. Let’s see if your dog or cat could actually be your boss too.
5 Signs Your Dog is the Boss

• They are the reason you wake up really early every morning.
• You are always picking up after them and left holding the bag!
• If you have to leave, you feel the need to explain where you are going and when you will be back.
• They can give you “the look” and you know your plans are about to change no matter how much other work you have to do.
• You spend most of your time making sure they are happy.
🐶We all know they are our real bosses so be sure to give them an extra treat and scratch! 🐱
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**We hope that you join us for the worldwide Pet Parade blog hop hosted by Dash Kitten and co-hosts Basil & the B Team and me! You can share a wordless or wordy post or tweet to be shared on social media. All DOGS, CATS and any other pet blog is welcome. If you want eyes on your post, don’t let the Parade pass you by!
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  1. I am most definitely the boss at my house and most of the time, mom says that it's just fine with her.

  2. We are the bosses here too. Mom is our person and will do anything we need, and always makes sure we are happy. Enjoy boss day.

  3. Being the BossDog is totally a wonderful thing!


  4. Dods have a way of making us feel that we are in charge, but you have nailed them.

  5. Those are all great signs when you know when your dog's a boss. The spending most the time making sure they are happy is always number around here. Thanks for the share. Enjoy a fun bosses day.
    World of Animals

  6. Oh yeah...since retiring, I had forgotten about Bosses Day. Apparently I'm still a lousy 'employee' since I neglected it with the dogs who clearly are the boss. LOL

  7. Check. Check. Check. Check. And check. I am definitely the Boss.

    Love and licks,

  8. We're the bosses around here too! MOL!

  9. oh yes, we are the boss
    Mabel & Hilda

  10. Haha! Well, somebuddy's gotta be the boss, right?

  11. Absolutely true! I'm pretty sure even our chickens think they're the boss of us. :)

  12. that a rhetorical question??? BOL! There is one ONE 'boss' in this house, and it ain't Ma!!! heheheee
    Ruby ♥

  13. My wee doggie is definitely the boss. I just can't imagine living without him.


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