Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Welcome October & Walk the Dog

    Can you believe that it is already October?! There are so many fun things happening this month. This first week is National Walk Your Dog Week.

   One of the important things throughout your dog’s life is to make sure they get enough exercise. Walking is a great way to help keep your pup peppy. Now that Bentley and Pierre are both senior dogs, keeping active is crucial for helping them stay strong.

Your best friend would love to take a stroll with you today!

Be sure to join us for this week’s Pet Parade blog hop. All pet bloggers are welcome, and you can select your subject or stay totally wordless with just a photo. We’d love to have you join in the fun! 
Visit Dash Kitten and 

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  1. isn't that crazy that we have october tomorrow? we are up for walks... no matter if hail or rain comes down (maybe LOL)

  2. We are thrilled for October and all the things fall brings, including the same walks but in decent temps. Happy fall y'all.

  3. I get sad when in the 'ber' months...I like warmth, sunshine, and being able to run around without shoes!

  4. I can't believe it is October already! We hope to get lots of walks in this month! Love your photos as always!

  5. Oh, I LOVES my walkies! I gets mad if I miss them! You boyz look FABulous btw! Those walkies with your peeps do you good!
    Ruby ♥

  6. Walks are da best!! We'll make sure to get our peeps to take us out lots this week!

  7. At least in October it's cooler to do those daily walks!

  8. Taking a walk is the best. It gives me a chance to sniff every single blade of grass in our whole complex. Plus take an occasional street nap! Mom says walking with me is the opposite of exercise.

    Love and licks,

  9. We can hardly believe it's October. But yes, cooler temps do make for nicer walks. :)

  10. Hey Bentley and Pierre...thank goodness you can take your peeps on a walk. You both look very ready for an adventure
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Happy October. Personally glad to turn the page on the calendar for a new (and hopefully) pawsome new month. 🤞🏼

  12. Luke loves his walks, but lately his Dad has been taking him more than I have! I need to get back to walking more too, but it's tough finding time for everything!


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