Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Central Park Lake in B & W

Happy National Dog Biscuit Day!  I hope you are enjoying your weekend.  Are you ready for some cool black and white photos?   I’m joining Dachshund Nola and Sugar The Golden Retriever's B & W Sunday blog hop.  You know what that meansclick and hop on the blog icons below to see other great photographs.

My husband took this photo at the lake in New York’s Central Park.

Thanks to Dachshund Nola & Sugar the Golden Retriever for hosting B & W Sunday!
Hop to it and visit these other blogs!


  1. Fantastic pic. Have a great sunday.

  2. That is a cool pic! It makes NYC look so nice and pretty :)

  3. What a cool photo, never been to NY but on bucket list. Have a great Sunday.

  4. Great picture! Our mom is goin' to NYC in May to see Les Mis but her said we can't go wif her....da nerve! ;)
    Happy Sunday!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  5. Amazing shot!!! Tell your hubby he should be a photographer!! Lol
    Happy Sunday!!
    ((Husky hugz frum da pack))

  6. Nice, I like how you've stylised it!

  7. Great! Love the watercolor effect filter. Golden Thanks for sharing. Happy Black n White Sunday. Golden Woofs

  8. Great! Love the watercolor effect filter. Golden Thanks for sharing. Happy Black n White Sunday. Golden Woofs

  9. Jan said it seems funny to see photos in black and white again, since she's gotten so used to color, but since joining B&W Sunday, she has enjoyed seeing the photos.


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