Sunday, August 10, 2014

National Lazy~Spoil Your Dog Day

Bentley: “It’s National Lazy Day!  That means we get to kick back and get our mellow on all day.”
Pierre: “Now tell me again how this is different from our other days?”
Bentley: “Well, it’s just THIS is official and everything.  Check your calendar.”
Pierre: “Hey, check it out…it’s National Spoil Your Dog Day, too!  Coincidence?”
Bentley: “Not a chance!  We hope y’all have a relaxing National Lazy Day!”
Pierre: “And be sure to spoil your dog.”

Bentley: “This may be the best holiday combination ever!”

Me: “A great way to spoil your dog and cat is to win the Pet Parade’s AWESOME giveaway.  It’s our way of saying thanks for helping us reach our one-year anniversary.  Enter the Rafflecopter below.  Be sure to visit my co-hosts, Rascal & Rocco, Basil the Bionic Cat, Jan’s Funny Farm, and Love is being owned by a Husky.  Good luck!

 1 Beautiful Chalcedony Pearl & Silver Necklace on 16" Chain 
 from Jan's Funny Farm

1 Bright Blue Beaded Dog Charm Bracelet from

a Rafflecopter giveaway

We are joining Birthday Girl Sugar the Golden Retriever and Dachshund Nola for Black and White Sunday.  Be sure to visit them and these other B & W blogs.


  1. Wow! Awesome giveaway! And we totally holiday combo ever!!!

  2. Have a serene easy and lazy Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Every day is spoil your dog day at our house :) :)

  4. We are really hoping for lazy today. Yesterday we had a real big day and are still exhausted from it. I need my beauty rest! We have to get Mom to be lazy, that is the hard part.

  5. Enjoy your restful day of being pampered!!!

  6. A lovely give away..and yes I think national lazy day kinda got bypassed here guys hahaha :) can I get a raincheck ? hugs Fozziemum xxx

  7. What? I wish we'd known this, we would have stayed in bed much longer this morning!! Of course, every day is spoil your dog day around here. The crew will now enjoy being lazy and spoiled much more today, since it's official and all!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. Pierre and Bentley it is wonderful to be well loved and spoiled. We loved your Smile for Sugar
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. I'm filming Rooney in a video today! Hopefully he feels spoiled by the attention. Yay!

  10. Now that is what I want to be doing, laying on the grass being lazy, have a great day.

  11. That sounds like the best kind of day, Pierre and Bentley. Of course, we bet you're spoiled EVERY day ... no? :)

  12. Now these are two events that work just great for me! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  13. I love the picture of them together, facing opposite directions.

  14. Happy Doubly Pawsome holiday, furriends!! Great pic and congrats on the Blogiversary, btw! ;) xo, Miss Destiny & momma Asia

  15. Is there a "don't spoil your dog day"? We don't think so.

  16. Sounds like the best day ever. Time to catch up on my lazy day.

  17. Oh we missed this!! Luckily for the pups though EVERY DAY is poil your pet day here!!
    Hugs, Carrie and Pups x

  18. I agree with Pierre and Bentley - best holiday combination ever! And they look like they are thoroughly enjoying it!

  19. I didn't know it was National lazy day! Fits into my Sunday pawfectly! hahaha!
    Thanks for sharing the bracelet!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  20. Maybe we can use this information to get mom to give us the brand new antlers we can see she is hiding in the cupboard!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  21. Great picture! Happy Black and White Sunday!

  22. Sugar loves it that its Spoil your dog day :-) Oh! we had a busy FUN day. It's going to be a Lazy Monday (n its ging to rain too). Golden Woofs

  23. My mommy wants to know when Spoil Your Human Day happens. ;-)


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