Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How To Improve Barkworthies Chews

Bentley: “There are lots of things that can be improved on, but I never thought that Barkworthies® was one of them.”
Pierre: “I know exactly what you mean. Barkworthies makes our favorite bully sticks and chews. They are naturally healthy and make us naturally happy.”
Three Barkworthies chews

Bentley: “That’s why you could have knocked us over with a feather when Mom showed us our newest treats.”
Pierre: “I know that it’s not manly, but I am pretty sure that I swooned. I mean seriously, who would have thought to add icing to an already amazing chew?”
Basset Hound with Barkworthies cow ear
Bentley: “Barkworthies is who! They sent us their newest example of awesomeness. They have added beef liver icing! Can you say, “Incredible?” I’ll tell you the truth; I tried to eat my cow ear while it was still in the package. Seriously, you would have too. This treat was pure delight. It has two ingredients; a cow ear and beef liver icing. That’s it. To put it mildly, I LOVED IT!”
Westie trying to eat Barkworthies lamb ear
Pierre: “I enjoyed the lamb’s ear with liver icing. One of the terrific things about Barkworthies is that they are as nutritious as they are delicious. There is no need for additives, preservatives, or artificial ingredients. If the label says, “Lamb ear with beef liver icing” that is exactly what you get. Mine was incredible. I did notice that there is one left over. It is beef trachea with kangaroo filling.”
Bentley: “Yeah, don’t get your hopes up for that one. Mom has already promised it to Paisley. She said that sharing is caring. Personally, I think sharing is overrated but that’s just me.”
Me: “Boys, quit staring at Paisley’s treat. You both had yours and little Paisley deserves one too. This beef trachea is filled with kangaroo meat and bone. She is going to love it. We will buy y’all some the next time that we visit the pet store. I think they will keep you both busy chewing when the neighborhood is filled with trick or treaters.”
Bentley: “What a great idea, but we may not be able to hold out that long. Barkworthies has topped their regular chews with this new recipe. I hope that our readers fetch some for their best friends. To keep up with all the things Barkworthies has brewing, follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Your pups will thank you.”
*We received three Barkworthies chews in exchange for an honest review. Barking from the Bayou/mkclinton.com only share products that we use and believe in with our audience. Barkworthies is not responsible for the content of this post.
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  1. Ooooh BabyBelle would love this! But she was pretty mean about the pigs ears, so I don't know, lol.

  2. Sounds super yummy! I've never seen them before! Thank you for showing us a new stuff! At first I thought it was zebra ears ! ;)

  3. My girls love them too! They are especially awesome with the icing!!

  4. Oh yum, yum I WANTS!!!!! sum
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. Schooner and Skipper are licking then chops to try Barkworthies new icing. I hope they are in the store so I can go and get some for them today!

  6. Ok, so now my huskies are drooling like a bunch of fools, your fault, I blame you. hahahahaha!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  7. These look fabulously delicious!

  8. I am so glad you posted this. I have been looking for something like this for Cocoa, something that is safe and free of yucky ingredients. We have given her elk bones in the past but she gets bored. I am going to try this for her. Thank you :)

  9. Beef liver icing on a chew stick?? OMD, my dogs are drooling on my lap over that!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  10. We are not familiar at all with this amazing treat! Thanks for letting us know!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. I like to lick all the icing off a treat first and then munch the rest down.

  12. Liver icing on a treat!!! Heaven!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. OMD...Icing?? On treats?? Sounds delish!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  14. Icing? What a great idea! No wonder the pups loved them.
    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  15. Someone came up with a very good idea there! Brilliant!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Those look like Bentley's new favorite chew!!

  17. never heard of them, they look delish

  18. Thanks for including us in your review!
    Love, Barkworthies


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