Friday, January 1, 2016

Resolve Not to Make New Year's Resolutions

   Every year at this time, the gyms are overcrowded, yogurt is sold out at the stores, the liquor stores are empty and Nicorette is sold out as we all try to keep ridiculously impossible promises to ourselves. The result is that we feel like complete failures before the end of January with eleven months still to go in the year. I gave up making resolutions a long time ago. It is one of those ‘wiser with age’ kinds of things. That wasn’t always the case.
I used to be one of those people that swore they would lose 50 pounds, quit smoking, exercise every single day and never eat fast food again. By mid-January, I was using my treadmill as a clothes rack and smoking a cigarette as I waited at the McDonald’s drive-thru window. I’m sure that most of you can relate on some level. I would end up feeling depressed and like a total loser. That is when I decided to stop making unrealistic resolutions to tackle just because the calendar changed.
   What I do now is to decide on goals that I’d like to obtain throughout the entire year. Two years ago, I quit smoking in the middle of August. Of course, I had resolved to stop every New Year’s Eve for the last 30 or so years to no avail. I have started making myself get off the computer and move around more. It is like taking baby steps. You have to learn to walk before you can run. The key is that I no longer try to make a bunch of life changes at the same time. Believe me, it is hard enough to make one change and follow through with it.
   At the beginning of each year, I write down the things that I plan to change over the next twelve months. Once I accomplish one, I move to the next one on the list. Hopefully, by the end of the year, I will have all met all of my goals and can begin another list for the next year. Will there be things that I have to add again to my list? Probably so, but that is okay. My list of goals only truly matters to three people…me, myself, and I.
   There will be some changes here on Barking from the Bayou that you should know. I will only be blogging Monday thru Friday for the foreseeable future. There will be certain exceptions such as this year’s Blogger’s Challenge on Jan. 9~11th. The best way to make sure that you never miss a post is to have our blog delivered to your email. You can sign up on the upper section of my sidebar.
   It is necessary for me to make these changes so that I can fulfill some other obligations. I hope that you all understand and continue to support Barking from the Bayou.
   Have a wonderful 2016 and don’t make promises to yourself that you might not be able to keep. I love ya’ll.
*Statics source: StatisticBrain
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Today is the Pet Parade Blog Hop!  Join the fun with Rascal and RoccoBionic Basil’s BlogLove is being owned by a Husky, and me to celebrate. 

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  1. Happy New Year! We don't make resolutions either! :D

  2. Girl I don't know how you can blog every day of the week! Hahaha. 3x a week is enough for me.
    Anyhoo, Happy New Year and yes resolutions blow. I never make them!!

  3. We're totally with you on that one. Resolveing NOT to resolve. Uh, cuz we never do anywayz....

    happy Mew Year!

  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR! <3 We made some fun plans but no hard promises. :) Love your daily blog schedule! Looking forward to see your amazing posts this year! <3

  5. I only have one resolution... I will try to make it better than last year (how that sounds, last year was yesterday lol) ... May 2016 will be a peaceful and good year for all of us...

  6. Mom too figured it out - she stopped making at them at 25 - in fact it was the one and only resolution she has kept - not to make any resolutions :)

  7. Happy New Year! Resolutions are stupid, I like how you put everything! Good luck on your new obligations and we will be right here following along.

  8. Well, we already broke most of the resolutions we made! Happy New Year...and wish all the best for you this coming year.

  9. Happy New Year!We understand about the blogging schedule,life is one busy time,xx Speedy

  10. Once again, we are on the same wave length, Bentley. I talk about not making resolutions too! Your new blog schedule seems nice. Every day is really tough. We quit Saturdays ages ago as it wasn't worth it. Sundays is just a photo, so it is easy to keep doing. We all wish you a magnificent 2016!

  11. Those are actually incredible stats! WOW!
    Happy new year!!! Wishing you all the best in 2016!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  12. Wow, those are some really fascinating stats! We're not big on resolutions here, either. :)

    Happy New Year!

  13. I just pretend I'm perfect so no reason to make resolutions. hehe Better to pretend I'm perfect than to fail and feel like a loser.

  14. Well, look at're already getting organized! I just saw a doctor on the news this morning confirming exactly what you think...he suggested taking baby steps and just tackling one small thing at a time. I actually think blogging 5 days a week is great. I have never done 7, did 6 for a while, but lately have settled on 5, though I sometimes vary which day I take off. I like to have a little flexibility in my schedule, that is what works for me. I think your plan sounds great.
    Happy New Year from all of us at Wag n Woof Pets !

  15. I don't know how you blog every day!! It is a lot. I want to get back to a regular schedule since I have taken a bit of a break over the Holidays. I want to get in better shape and work towards growing my blog. And I am thinking about doing the Whole 30. I am not sure I can stick to it though :)

  16. We are TOTALLY with you about not making resolutions. I prefer to call them "intentions" or as you said, "goals"....quitting smoking is the main one on my list for this year (to be done THIS year, not January!)....and...I am also cutting back blogging, not to fulfill other obligations, but in an attempt to get my life back and some BALANCE!!! I am shooting for 3 days a week on both blogs (but with Dakota's that is more loosey-goosey)........Cody's I only am committing to Mon, Wed and Fri (but...if other things come up I will do them). I am hoping to cut WAY back on book reviews because those have been the biggest time eaters for me.
    I also need to move more too!
    Wish you lived near me!
    Happy Happy New Year!


  17. SOunds like you know what works for you! Being healthy is the most important thing and everything else is secondary!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Sounds like a great plan Melissa! Happy New Year and all the best for 2016!!

  19. I'm just too tired for resolutions right now. I'll think about some for 2017 though! :o)

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year full of good health, peace, and lots of treats!


  20. We also don't do resolutions and are all about the goals!! Kudos for prioritizing, we totally get it!!

  21. You will find no resolutions here either. We also only blog when we have something to say. Our mom could never stick to a schedule. BOL!

  22. Hey there! I quit making resolutions too. I figure there are 365 days of the year, and any one of those days could be the start of a "new year." Life is what you make it, no matter when you start. Have a great new year.

  23. We are definitely setting ourselves up for failure when we set resolutions like this. It's just a HUGE goal to tackle based on the fact that it's a new year. I am planning to start writing down everything I eat starting tomorrow and I just hope I can keep going without quitting until I actually get somewhere with it!

  24. Happy 2016 to you! No resolutions here...I have set some goals, but with great flexibility! ;-)

  25. Happy New Year (a few days late)! I'm with you about creating goals as opposed to resolving to quit this or start that. Those just create a cycle of stress and disappointment. Good luck with all that you are doing!

  26. Setting realistic goals is far more effective than pie-in-the-sky resolutions. Very best wishes for a pawsome 2016! ღ


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