Tuesday, July 12, 2016

BeCo Pets Eco-Friendly Products at Mealtime

   Have you heard of BeCo Pets? They are relatively new here in the United States but have been doing great things since 2009 across the pond in Britain. As a matter of fact, they are one of the biggest designers and manufacturers of eco-friendly pet products in the country! I recently connected with a representative from BeCo Pets on Hubba. He was kind enough to send me many of their products to try at no charge in exchange for my honest opinion about them. I looked through their website and found some amazing pet products. It is no wonder they have won awards such as the 2015 PetQuip Award Gold for Marketing Project of the Year and Silver as the Exporter of the Year. They are now available in 43 countries.
BeCo Pets logo

   You will get to see BeCo’s eco-friendly products here over the next few weeks. I believe that like me, you will be impressed with not only the quality but the environmental impact their company is making. They use natural, recyclable and degradable materials like bamboo, discarded rice husks, and shredded plastic soda bottles. Isn’t that awesome? When you visit BeCo Pets USA, you’ll discover they have four different product lines:
v Fetch
v Eat
v Poop
v Sleep
   Today, I am going to show you the fun products from the EAT section.
Let's eat with BeCo Pets meme featuring a scoop, spork, bowl and travel bowl
    Beco Bowls are made with a unique plant fiber plastic from waste plant fibers including bamboo and rice husk. They are strong and meant to last for years. You can put them on the top shelf of your dishwasher too! There is a size for every dog from the XX-Small with an outer diameter of 3.3” and 7 ounce capacity to the Large with a bowl capacity of 51 oz. They are eco-friendly and cute as can be. The bowls are affordable and range in price from $2.99 ~ $7.99. *Also available in slow feed bowls and a saucer design bowl for cats.
BeCo food scoop with Dr. Harvey's Canine Health dog food in it.
   Here’s the scoop! No seriously, here is the BeCo Scoop and it is ideal. I love how durable this feels in my hand. You can scoop up 2 cups of food in it. They are available for only $5.59 in these soothing colors: light blue, pink, cream, brown and green. This scoop is going to last you a long time, but when you need a new one, the old one will start breaking down in the landfill naturally.  
M. K. Clinton stirring Oracle dog food in a blue BeCo Travel Bowl at a hotel
   BeCo Sporks are designed with an extra-long handle, a hole for mashing and a square edge to help get at those hard-to-reach corners. I carried the spork with us on our road trip to the BlogPaws conference. We fed the boys in our hotel rooms for 10 days. The spork was perfect for mixing their Dr. Harvey’s Oracle. I could run the hot water in the sink and stirring was a breeze with my spork. It was easy to wash up afterward too. This is one of my favorite new finds and for $3.99, they might their way into Christmas stockings for my pet loving friends.
Basset Hound and Westie drinking from blue BeCo Travel Bowl
   I don’t normally gush but in my opinion, the BeCo Travel Bowl is the perfect bowl. It made feeding Bentley and Pierre so easy. I could mix their food in the bowl and when it was ready, I used the spork to divide it into their individual dishes. When meal time was over, I washed out the bowl and filled it with their drinking water. The Travel Bowl made feeding and watering the boys hassle-free and that is important when you are away from home. It is made from silicone. You’ll find the bowl in a Small 26 oz. or Large 44 oz. They are durable, non-toxic and collapse to fit anywhere. We will never leave home without our Travel Bowl. For only $9.59 to $15.99, it is worth every penny! I love this bowl and highly recommend it to anyone who travels or hikes with their dog.


  1. the bowl is a must have... specially this time when we maybe go on a howl-i-day :o)

  2. We love the look of their products and like the mellow colors of them.

  3. Love that they are using products like plastic bottles and waste plant fibers including bamboo and rice husk. I will be checking out the bowls for Schooner and Skipper. Thanks for the review it was very interesting and I love hearing about new products especially from the USA. I will not buy anything from China.

  4. Oh this is a UK company and I don't nose about it!
    I will set the staff on finding out more....
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. What terrific products! That spork thingy looks like an indispensable tool to have around the "Ranch." ღ

  6. Those are really cool bowls
    Lily & Edward

  7. That looks like some pretty cool stuff!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. I love the pretty colors. I must get my assistant to check the feline section of BeCo
    Hugs madi your kitty friend

  9. looks like great products!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. These are very UNIQUE and Responsible FOODABLE thingys. Thanks fur Sharing...

  11. A lot of great products, I have a kitty bowl.

  12. I love to find out about new eco-friendly products!

  13. A travel bowl both dogs can fit their heads in is great, especially when it's eco friendly!
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them


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