Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Love Your Pet Day 2019

Happy Love Your Pet Day!

Bentley: “Wait a minute! Don’t you love us every day of the year?”
Pierre: “Shhh, this could mean treats, toys, and belly rubs all day! You know they can’t resist celebrating a howliday with us.”
Me: “Of course, we love y’all every minute of every day. There aren’t words to explain what you mean to us. Y’all are our family, our pack, our best friends, and our boys! We just thought you might enjoy an extra treat, maybe a new toy and of course, lots of belly rubs to celebrate Love Your Pet Day!”
Bentley & Pierre:
“YES!! It’s great to be loved. We hope every pet gets some extra love today!”

Bentley and Pierre want to show you their love, so they are giving away a bag of Dr. Harvey’s Sweet Potate’r Chews to one of our sweet readers! 
We hope that you join us for the worldwide Pet Parade blog hop hosted by Dash Kitten and co-hosts Bionic Basil and me! You can share a wordless or wordy post or tweet to be shared on social media. All DOGS, CATS and any other pet blog is welcome. If you want eyes on your post, don’t let the Parade pass you by!
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  1. Aww, your mom sure does love you guys 24/7 /365. I hopes that folks across globe share the love to all those around and about them too, especially those who don't have cuddles and food and love, or somewhere safe to be.

  2. that is a wonderful post full of love ... we love our furkids now and furever and efurry day ;O)

  3. What a superSpecial day this is! I hope you guys get extra hugs and kisses today☺

  4. Finally a day where maybe we will see some love, LOL! At our house we might need an ignore your pet day as we are always getting a ton of love. Enjoy it boys!

  5. I know you two feel the love each and every day!

  6. Happy Love Your Pet Day, and enjoy that extra spoiling, boys!! ♥♥♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. I love the photo on Love your pet day
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Yep, we love our animal family members the same amount every single day!

  9. We sure hope there are extra treats involved too!!
    Rosy, Jakey and Arty

  10. Every day is love your pet day but we played around to and showed off photos.

  11. We thought the same thing - we are loved every day too - but today must be EXTRA treats love your pet day:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. Wow! It should be Love Your Pet Day every day!

  13. Sending you extra love today. Lady says it is impossible for her to love us more than she already does.

  14. So sweet! Every day is Love Your Pet Day around here. :)

  15. How sweet is that??!! Hey did you gets some extra treaties???? any left??? hello???
    Ruby ♥


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