Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How to be a Good Pet Neighbor

Hidey Ho Neighbor!

It is important to be a good pet neighbor.  Here are a few dog to dog reminders.
1.   Don’t be “that” dog that barks continually.
2.   If you must use the neighbor’s yard for a relief station, make sure your human bags the evidence.
3.   If you go for a walk, always put your person on a leash.  Just click one end to your collar and show them how to hold onto the loopy handle.
4.   Never chase cars, bikes, or joggers.  They can all turn vicious and hurt you.
5.   Neighborhood romances never work out.  Don’t be a Mountie.

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 We are joining BlogPaws for their Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.  Click on any of the blogs below for more fun!


  1. The barking bothers us. PAWsome Tips! Golden Woofs

  2. Great tips! I have to learn to follow advice #4, that's dangerous to chase cars, but I can't resist to freak out when I see a car with a trailer...
    Easy Rider

  3. Pawfect advice there!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Dude that is pawsome advice. BOL funny...don't be a Mountie. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Mountie bwahahaaahahah excellent advice :) loves Fozziemum xxx

  6. We enjoy doing our hunting call howls for our neighbors now and then, but they never last more than a few minutes. As for romance, I never get involved with neighbors, but my boy crazy sisters are always having love affairs with the boys around here. They break hearts left and right. Most of their boy toys are in fenced yards so they kiss between the chain sick! I stay to myself and ignore that behavior, embarrassing!

  7. we love our meet and greets around the neighborhood

  8. Excellent tips. We like the one about putting your person on a leash!

  9. Hi Y'all!

    Bentley, you certainly look like the kind of neighbor I'd like to have!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  10. hahaha! Love it Bentley! Wonderful good neighborly tips!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  11. We are often on the receiving end of number 5 - we'll pass on your tips and see if they take the hint.

  12. OMD OMD #5... Don't be a MOUNTIE...

    We always take our peeps on the Walkin Strings... they are OLD and need to be kept under control ... so they don't Wander.

  13. Great tips! I find it difficult when I have more than one biped with me, but the ones not attached to me usually keep close to the others and if they wander off they come back again.

  14. Haha! those are great tips! Leroy needs to work on tip #1!

  15. Bahahahaha - a "Mountie" - never heard that before. Perfect.

  16. that is the cutest picture. Love!
    Don't be a mountie!! hahaha, but really it's true. Cole had his bits and pieces removed at age 6 months and every now and then, he takes a notion to have a go at a girl... it's embarrassing. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  17. Love that photo!
    And, oh, I do have to remind my two boys not to be a Mountie. They mostly practice on their sister -- and she gives them a good dose of what for in return.

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  18. Don't tell but mom get's worried our neighbors will complain about the dog poop not getting picked up (only in our yard). Long story. Love Dolly

  19. We try to be good neighbors, we stay in our own yard and if Bailey gets barking too much, Mom makes him come inthe house. But we have some neighbors that irritate us - our back yard neighbor never cleans up after their dog and it is disgusting along the fence line. And we have some new young labs, they live up the road aways, that seem to get to run free all they want
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  20. We wish the dogs who needed your advice would read your blog.

  21. We've got some neighbors who really need to read your post. The barking is ridiculous. They are forever letting the dogs out at all hours of the night and early morning and they must forget their out there. so annoying and more than that - so unfair to the dogs. We would love to be neighbors with Bentley.

  22. Great outfit! I would also add don't let your dogs run off-leash in shared areas!

  23. LOL....great advice, and I love the photo!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  24. You look like a mighty fine neighbor, Bentley!

  25. Great tips, Bentley! It's a very good thing to be a good neighbor. Nice hat, by the way!

  26. I wish I could email this to our neighbors who's dog bark all day long! Oy!

  27. Bentley looks full of wisdom in that picture. Based on his advice he certainly is.

  28. Those are some great reminders and advice! We would love to have you as a neighbor! Good luck in the Nose to Nose awards, you got our vote! Hoping one of these years we will make it to Blog Paws! Moms a big chicken! BOL!

  29. Those are very important rules for dogs! You are a great neighbor, Bentley :)

  30. BOL. Very good rules to live by
    Edward & Lily

  31. Uh oh, I likes to break some of dose rules.

  32. Good tips the hat.


  33. Great tips!! My Mom always tells us to be good neighbors...and to stop barking! I think your cuteness helps your neighbors have warm feelings toward you too!

  34. Oh my gosh! What a great way to give us these reminders. Hidey Ho and I love the hat!

  35. We love that photo and the caption! We will tell our neighbor to read this cuz he poops on our front yard every day and his dad rarely ever picks it up cuz he says they're just little. Don't get my pawrents started on this!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  36. cracks me up, love it! Mr. Rogers/Bentley I love that saying!

  37. Well, I don't bark CONTINUOUSLY but I DO bark! Great tips! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  38. Nice post, Melissa! “That” dog that barks continually lives next door to me and has a high pitched bark that sounds like breaking ice. I would love to share your post with my neighbor...

  39. What a great photo! These are excellent tips. I especially like the one about not being a "Mountie" LOL!!!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Cathy, Isis & Phoebe

  40. Such great advice Bentley!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  41. Can you tell Mauja and Atka that the barking thing doesn't make them a good pet neighbor? They'll tell you it's the nature of their breed, but I make them come inside ;)

  42. Sometimes I'm bad with #1 and #5, though to be fair I have one next door neighbor who is worse at #1, and the other next door neighbor who is bad at #2... :/ This is a good list for a code, though. *wags* - Gilligan from


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