Saturday, February 21, 2015

Who Brushes Your Dog's Teeth? #52Snapshots #PBSG

Not all dogs can brush their own teeth…

They depend on you for their dental care.  Brush regularly, give dental chews, and go for veterinarian cleanings as recommended.

   February is National Pet Dental Health Month.  You can read our review of Authority Dental Sticks from PetSmart or our review of the Nylabone® DuraChew Dental Dino Dog Toy.  

We are participating in The Lazy Pit Bull’s 52 Snapshots of Life Challenge.  This week’s word challenge was MIRROR.

   I would like to thank JoAnn Stancer from Sand Spring Chesapeakes for her fabulous Norman’s Kisses Lip Balm and Norman’s Kisses Hand to Paw Cream.  I entered her recent contest and I am so happy that I was one of her winners.  She said her Chessies love to try to eat her lip balm.  I can see why; it is delicious.  The Hand to Paw cream is wonderful for my dry hands too.  If you’d like to try your paw at making some, here is the link to Sand Spring Chesapeakes and JoAnn’s recipes. 

   If you are a regular visitor here on the bayou, then you know that I am a BlogPaws 2015 Conference Ambassador.  There are so many awesome preparations under way for the social media conference of the year.  The tickets are selling fast, so don’t risk missing your chance to attend the three day in Nashville, Tennessee.  Use my 10% discount code BP15-Amb-Melissa-10 
   One of the fun BlogPaws social media gatherings happen on Tuesday nights from 7:00 ~ 9:00 p.m. CST.  It is the BlogPaws Chat on Twitter and it’s happening this Tuesday, February 24th.  The topic is spoiling our pets, which is a subject that we all know about.  You can share how you spoil your pets and show them how much you love them.  Do you love to share pictures of your pet?  The BlogPaws chatters LOVE to see them. 
   I recently won a Hill’s Prize Package on a #BlogPawsChat.  Bentley and Pierre were doing their usual happy dance as they followed the package into the kitchen.  Look at the terrific Hill’s goodies!  We received a bag of Grain Free Turkey & Cranberries along with a bag of their delicious Grain Free Chicken & Apples Treats.  They are the perfect size for training your dog or a reward just for being awesome.  I have been a fan of the Hill’s Pet Company for years.  One of the reasons is their dog food.  We are excited to try the Perfect Weight that was in our prize box with a shiny new bowl!  Thanks so much to my great friends at Hill’s Pets and BlogPaws. 

   Mark your calendars and let’s chat Tuesday.  Even if you don’t win a prize, you will win new friends.  All that you have to do is look for the #BlogPawsChat hashtag.  Be sure to follow @BlogPaws and @BlogPawsChange on Twitter and while you’re there follow me @mk_clinton
   We have a Barking from the Bayou Facebook now!  I’d love you to join us too. 


  1. We do take our nashers very seriously over here too. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Great picture you got there Bentley!! Happy Saturday!

  3. Oh Bentley, you are so talented. I always let Mom handle my brushing! <3 Happy Weekend!

  4. Bentley, we knew you were one smart and talented dog! Great job!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  5. Our mom brushes Our Teefs fur us.... we like it beclaws she gets Chicken and OR Peanut Butter Flavored teefs paste.

  6. love that picture Bentley,have a great weekend,xx Speedy

  7. OMD, that is amazin' Bentley!!!! I don't have thumbs on my paws, so I can't hold the brush myself. I likes to keep my toothers clean with lots of chews! I have FABulous toothers my vettie says! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  8. We just made our teeth brushing video!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. Great pic! Our Mommy brushes our teefers (we like to try to lick the toothpaste!) ~ Cello and Hooch

  10. You gotta keep those pearly whites white, Bentley! Good job! Do you floss too? ;)

  11. Great job brushing your teeth buddy and thank you so much for the kind shout out on normans kisses. Have a Wondeful weekeñd.

  12. Great photo , I wish my kitties could brush their teeth.

  13. Great toofie cleaning Bentley :) good boy keeping those choppers in good nick :) and great lip balm ...we see the chessies always eating Jo's balm hahahhaa :) loves Fozziemum xx

  14. I try to remember the Blogpawschat every week. Sometimes TW gets busy and forgets. I think the only way to get my teeth brushed is if I could do it myself. MOL! Cute pic.

  15. I brush my huskies teeth :)
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  16. Bentley please come over here and teach Toby how to do that! That and nail trimming are just not too fun for either of us. But I do brush his teeth every week.
