Friday, December 21, 2018

Tummy Tips from Santa Paws

Santa Paws wishes you a safe and happy Christmas. Having recently battled a very serious case of gastroenteritis, Santa wants to share some tips for keeping a healthy tummy this holiday season.

• Absolutely no table scraps.
• Keep poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe out of your pet’s reach.
• Tinsel is pretty around the Christmas tree but can cause serious stomach issues if ingested.
• No sweets…at all.
Remember that no matter how cute your dogs and cats are when they beg, feeding them foods that are not meant for their digestive tracts is asking for an expensive trip to the veterinarian. 
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  1. we hope all will have good howlidays and no one has to see da vet... we fear the day after christmouse when the bones and the leftovers are everywhere on the ground ;O(((

  2. Good safety tips. We get out own special Christmas treats so we don't need them from human stuff.

  3. Great tips, guys! We gotta stay safe and healthy!

  4. That is the cutest little Santa outfit ever.

    We might add keep doggie liver treats handy.

  5. Good advice! Have a happy Christmas!

  6. Great advice! We're sorry poor Pierre had that issue, but we're so glad he's better. Luke pretty much has a cast iron stomach, but he can still get an upset one, so you always have to be careful and diligent!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. The Hubby has gotten used to be calling him from another room, and asking him, "what do you think this is?" Some cat chewed on something that later 'returned'. Lucky for us, we don't have any decorations that the cats can get at, but they manage to pull bits of plastic or edges of throw rugs off!

  8. Pierre no buddy wants tummy troubles ever but especially at Christmas.
    Good info
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Very good reminders for all. Thanks for this post.

    We have been using a combination of neosporin, Happy Jack spray, and Dr. Harvey's Healing Cream on Lightning. We are seeing some improvement. The scab is gone, but the skin still seeps a little blood:(

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. Good howliday advice! We're battling a stomach bug ourselves so I'm being extra vigilant this howliday season.

  11. Great tips! I hope you have a wonderful and healthy Christmas! XO

  12. these are great tips. Pierre you are so cute, glad you are feeling better
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. You make a cute little Santa, Pierre ! Those are great tips ! Purrs

  14. Great tips, Santa Paws! Pierre, you are the cutest Santa ever!


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