Saturday, December 26, 2015

A Visit from Santa Paws

   Bentley and Pierre had a wonderful Christmas! They took part in the Blogville Christmas gift exchange for the first time this year. Bentley received his gifts from MyLife with Scotties’ Jacque. Pierre’s presents came from a fellow Westie named Duncan who you can find on The White Dog Blog. Both of them were thrilled with their goodies!
Bentley Basset and Pierre Westie enjoying a cookie from Mom
“Oh la la! Jacque, these Wet Nose Sweet Potato Cookies are trĂ©s bien! Merci beaucoup!”
Pierre Westie and Bentley Basset checking out a new green squeaky ball
“It’s a ball, a ball, throw it, throw it, hurry, throw it!”
Bentley Basset with his head stuck down in a Christmas bag
“YES!! A new rope toy is just what I needed. While you remove the tag, I’ll be checking out Pierre’s bag.”
Pierre Westie is admiring his new stuffed reindeer toy.
“OMD! A stuffie reindeer. Gimme, gimme! Duncan really knows what a Westie loves.”
Christmas tree with dog gifts under it.
Shhhh…Santa Paws came to visit.
An assortment of dog toys, treats and jackets
Obviously, Santa thought the boys were very good this year.
Enjoy this quick video of Bentley and Pierre discovering that Santa had visited while they were outside chasing a squirrel.
Join us December 24 – 26 for Happy Pawlidays FUN Blog Hop by sharing your dog’s Pawlidays photos. The Pawlidays hop is hosted by Sugar the Golden Retriever along with blog pals Oz the TerrierMurphy & StanleyDory’s Backyard and me!


  1. Merry Christmas love bugs!! Hope you had a magical day!!
    Happy New Year. Thanks for being our friends. Xxoo

  2. Wow what fun you all had,Happy Boxing day,xx Speedy

  3. Sooooooo precious!!! Merry Christmas boys!

  4. Oh gosh, I love that video. Bentley and Pierre's tails just a wagging. That was fantastic. Glad you two got so many goodies for Christmas. What a fun time you had.

  5. So cute! Looks like lots of Christmas fun was had by all!!! Merry Christmas!!

  6. Look at that haul! You boys must really have been extra nice! Enjoy your weekend. We are getting snow, so it will be fun!

  7. You were very good boys for sure = that was some excellent pressies you got from Santa Paws

  8. You must have been extra good to get all those treats!

  9. Looks like a great haul! Glad Santa treated you so well!

  10. Wow, Santa Paws did right by you boys!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. Judging by those wagging tails, the boys were definitely happy with what Santa Paws brought!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Here's to a year of fresh ball throwing and catching! Looks like your holiday was furry and bright.

  13. Oh Meow y'all got sum gweat gifts. Santa and yous secret Santa's was really good to ya' this year. Y'all have fun and a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  14. Wow! Bentley and Pierre sure did have a good Chirtmas! Look at all the goodies.

  15. Holy CAT what a haul! we'd say you had a PAWEsome Christmas!!

  16. OMD...You two must have been very good pups this year!! What a great bunch of presents!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  17. You boys got some good presents!! How fun. And I love your video with your sweet tails wagging!! Santa knows that pups are the BEST!!

  18. What a stash. Someday I will be organized and participate in some of the bloggers seasonal activities. Who am I trying to kid? lol I will probably never be organized.

  19. What a great haul on Christmas, enjoy all your goodies.

  20. Wowowowow!!! You guys got great goods!!!! Woohooo!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!


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